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Nested for using sploop

Hello everyone,

I am using a C6000 DSP and I am trying to do a nested for like the next code but in assembly language

for (j=0,j< it2, j++)


 y [ j*it ]=0;

  for (i=1;i<it,i++)


         y [ j*it+i] = x [ i ] + y [j*it+(i-1)];



I am using this assembly code in a .asm file as a function for the nested for:

    .global for_asm
    .sect ".text:appFastCode"

;extern void for_asm(int *ptrInput, int *ptrh,int *ptrOutput, int NN, int MM, int RR, int itera);

    .map x/A4, h/B4,y/A6, N/B6, M/A8, R/B8, it/A10, it2/B10

    .map xaux/A2, haux/B2, yaux/A1, yn_1/B1, i/B0,j/A0, xi/A31


            MV        .S2        it,i
||            MV        .S1        it2,j
||            MV                x,xi        ;t1 = *x
            MVC        .S2     i,ILC        ;Inner loop count
            NOP                3
    [j]    SPLOOP            2
||            MVC        .S2        j,RILC       ;Reload inner loop count
;||            SUB        .D1        j,1,j       ;Outer loop count
||            ZERO    .L2        yn_1

 ;*------------Start of loop-------------------------
            LDH        .D1T1    *x++,xaux        ;t1 = *x
||            LDH        .D2T2    *h++,haux        ;t2 = *h
            NOP                4
            ADD        .L1     xaux,yn_1,yaux    ;p = t1+t2 y=x[i]+h[i]
            NOP                1
            SPKERNEL        0
||            STH        .D1        yaux,*y++        ;ADD   .L1 A2,A7,A7        ;sum += p
||            MV        .D2     yaux, yn_1

;*--------start epilog
        MVK     .L2        0,yn_1
 ;*--------start reload, I=0
    [j]    BNOP            outer,4
||    [j]    SUB                j,1,j            ;j -= 1
||        MV                xi,x

;*--------branch, stop fetching

        B B3
        NOP 5


In the main I create an array x = [ 0,1,2,3,4...15]  and it is passed as a parameter to this function with it =16, it2=2. When I see the output, it is y=[0,1,3,6,10,15,21,7,8,9,0,0,0...]. The error is always presented in the middle of the array.

I don't understand two things:

Why the output lenght is different from the expected lenght (it*it2)

Why the output is not filled with the correct data from 0 to the last field ( y [0...15] )

I can't find what is wrong and if you can help me, I would be thankful.