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WDT ISR compiler error (using GNU v4.9.1)

Hi all,

I'm using GNU v4.9.1 compiler, and I'm just trying to work with WDT timer:

void __attribute__((interrupt(WDT_VECTOR))) WDT_ISR(void)
	P2OUT ^= BIT1;

When trying to build it, I keep gettign these errors:

section `__interrupt_vector_11' will not fit in region `VECT11'

region `VECT11' overflowed by 2 bytes

Do you have any idea, what could cause this? 


  • Hello Michal,

    I moved this thread tot he Compiler forum for I believe this is directly related to GCC instead of MSP430 specific.

  • Michal Raninec said:

    When trying to build it, I keep gettign these errors:

    section `__interrupt_vector_11' will not fit in region `VECT11'

    region `VECT11' overflowed by 2 bytes

    Do you have any idea, what could cause this? 

    No.  I tried to reproduce it in a minimal context, but failed.  I suspect I'll need your entire build to reproduce this diagnostic.  Is your code organized into a CCS project?  If so, please attach it to your next post.

    Thanks and regards,
