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CCSv6.1.1 (C2000 compiler v6.2.11): Why is compiler creating .sysmem section, i.e. warning #10210-D: creating ".sysmem" section with default size of 0x400; use the -heap option to change the default size

Guru 19965 points


The compiler is generating the following warning:

warning #10210-D: creating ".sysmem" section with default size of 0x400; use the -heap option to change the default size

I thought .sysmem was replaced with .esysmem, so why is a .sysmem section being created?

Also, isn't .esysmem/sysmem only used for dynamic memory allocation?  My program is not performing any dynamic memory allocation, so why is either of those two section being created?


  • The memory map refers to memory.obj for that section. The code shown below is the reason for the creation of the .sysmem section.

    Why does the compiler allow an unsized array in the Run Time Library?

    In memory.c (runtime system libary):
    /* Declare the memory pool as a .usect called .sysmem. The size of the */
    /* section .sysmem is determined by the linker via the -heap option */
    #pragma DATA_SECTION(_sys_memory, ".sysmem")
    int _sys_memory[];

  • stevenh said:
    I thought .sysmem was replaced with .esysmem

    The section .sysmem is used for malloc and related functions.  The section .esysmem is used for far_malloc and related functions.

    stevenh said:
     My program is not performing any dynamic memory allocation, so why is either of those two section being created?

    I don't know.  Is malloc the only unusual thing that appears in the map file?  Do you see unexpected printf calls, or anything else like that?

    Thanks and regards,


  • Hello George,

    From my previous post I thought I understood why the sysmem section was showing up, i.e.

    #pragma DATA_SECTION(_sys_memory, ".sysmem")
    int _sys_memory[];

    The original reason for my question was because of the "creating .sysmem section..." warning.

    I never examined the memory map file that carefully; However, I am certain that my code doesn't contain malloc. 

    I wouldn't be able to tell if something strange was showing up because some functions use other function, however, I don't think any of the rts functions in my code are using malloc.  The only rts functions I am using in my code (that I can remember) are memset, memcpy and sprintf.


  • Hello George,

    I don't need/ don't want to use dynamic memory allocation in my program. Is there any way to exclude those type of functions from the build?


  • There is no method to automatically exclude malloc from the build. 

    Here is a technique which can show you where malloc is getting called.  Here is the general idea:

    • Remove the malloc functions from the RTS library
    • Link like before
    • Inspect the linker error messages to determine where malloc gets called
    • Put the malloc functions back in the RTS library

    All of the malloc functions are in the module memory.obj.  These commands extract it from the library into its own file, then remove it from the library.  Perform these commands from the command line in the \lib directory that contains the RTS libraries.

    % ar2000 -x rts2800_ml.lib memory.obj
    % ar2000 -d rts2800_ml.lib memory.obj
      ==>  building archive 'rts2800_ml.lib'

    Now link as usual.  You will see one or more error messages similar to ...

     undefined first referenced
      symbol       in file
     --------- ----------------
     _malloc   file.obj

    That file contains a call to malloc.  It is up to you to determine why that call is present and to remove it.

    It is best to put the RTS library back the way it was.  These commands do that ...

    % ar2000 -r rts2800_ml.lib memory.obj
      ==>  building archive 'rts2800_ml.lib'
    % del memory.obj

    More information on the archiver ar2000 can be found in the C2000 assembly tools manual.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Hello George,


    I did what you said (see below).  I had to do it twice since the first time the linker output referred to the new_.obj file.  

    The final linked result from the sample project I previously at attached is as follows:

     undefined                   first referenced
      symbol                         in file     
     ---------                   ----------------
     operator new(unsigned long) ./main.obj      

    I included both the c++ code and its associated disassembly (from the debugger) below. A pointer to __sti___6_main_c_d7ce1b44 (at the bottom of the disassembly) is located in the pinit table.  __sti___6_main_c_d7ce1b44 calls the object's constructor.

    I stepped through program and found out that "new" (i.e. LCR  operator new) is never called (because XAR4 != 0) in the constructor (i.e. Test::Test():) , so what is the purpose of the call to "new"?

     If I remove constructor from the program, the call to "new" goes away

    C++ Code:

     * main.c
    class Test
        long int a;
        long int b;
        int x[10];
        void aTest(void);
        int i;
            x[i] = i;
    void Test::aTest(void)
        a = 2l;
        b = 3l;
    Test TestIt;
    int main(void)
    	return 0;

    Assmebly Code (from debugger):

    32021d:   8F008400    MOVL         XAR4, #0x008400
    32021f:   76720247    LCR          aTest
    44      	return 0;
    320221:   9A00        MOVB         AL, #0x0
    45      }
    320222:   0006        LRETR        
    17      {
    320223:   FE04        ADDB         SP, #4
    320224:   A842        MOVL         *-SP[2], XAR4
    320225:   0642        MOVL         ACC, *-SP[2]
    320226:   ED07        SBF          C$L1, NEQ
    320227:   020E        MOVB         ACC, #14
    320228:   76720277    LCR          operator new
    32022a:   A8A9        MOVL         @ACC, XAR4
    32022b:   A842        MOVL         *-SP[2], XAR4
    32022c:   EC18        SBF          C$L3, EQ
    20          a=1000000000l;
    32022d:   8A42        MOVL         XAR4, *-SP[2]
    32022e:   28A9CA00    MOV          @AL, #0xca00
    320230:   28A83B9A    MOV          @AH, #0x3b9a
    320232:   1EC4        MOVL         *+XAR4[0], ACC
    21          b=1000000000l;
    320233:   8A42        MOVL         XAR4, *-SP[2]
    320234:   1ED4        MOVL         *+XAR4[2], ACC
    23          for(i=0;i<10;i++)
    320235:   2B43        MOV          *-SP[3], #0
    320236:   9243        MOV          AL, *-SP[3]
    320237:   520A        CMPB         AL, #0xa
    320238:   630C        SB           C$L3, GEQ
    25              x[i] = i;
    320239:   8A42        MOVL         XAR4, *-SP[2]
    32023a:   3B01        SETC         SXM
    32023b:   8543        MOV          ACC, *-SP[3]
    32023c:   8843        MOVZ         AR6, *-SP[3]
    32023d:   560100A4    ADDL         @XAR4, ACC
    32023f:   7EE4        MOV          *+XAR4[4], AR6
    23          for(i=0;i<10;i++)
    320240:   0A43        INC          *-SP[3]
    320241:   9243        MOV          AL, *-SP[3]
    320242:   520A        CMPB         AL, #0xa
    320243:   64F6        SB           C$L2, LT
    27      }
    320244:   8A42        MOVL         XAR4, *-SP[2]
    320245:   FE84        SUBB         SP, #4
    320246:   0006        LRETR        
    30      {
    320247:   FE02        ADDB         SP, #2
    320248:   A842        MOVL         *-SP[2], XAR4
    31          a = 2l;
    320249:   8A42        MOVL         XAR4, *-SP[2]
    32024a:   0202        MOVB         ACC, #2
    32024b:   1EC4        MOVL         *+XAR4[0], ACC
    32          b = 3l;
    32024c:   8A42        MOVL         XAR4, *-SP[2]
    32024d:   0203        MOVB         ACC, #3
    32024e:   1ED4        MOVL         *+XAR4[2], ACC
    33      }
    32024f:   FE82        SUBB         SP, #2
    320250:   0006        LRETR        
    35      Test TestIt;
    320251:   8F008400    MOVL         XAR4, #0x008400
    320253:   76720223    LCR          Test
    320255:   0006        LRETR        

  • Your problem, and some suggested solutions, is discussed in this thread.  Keep in mind that, at the present time, COFF ABI is the only ABI provided by the C2000 compiler.  EABI, which is the best solution to this problem, will be available in a future release.

    Thanks and regards,


  • I would still like to know why the compiler allows an unsized array in the rts library? i.e.

    In memory.c (runtime system libary):
    /* Declare the memory pool as a .usect called .sysmem. The size of the */
    /* section .sysmem is determined by the linker via the -heap option */
    #pragma DATA_SECTION(_sys_memory, ".sysmem")
    int _sys_memory[];

  • That code sets the global variable _sys_memory to the beginning of the section .sysmem.  The section .sysmem is sized by the linker according to the value of the -heap option.

    Thanks and regards,


  • I am not sure what I am missing. If I add an unsized array to my program, the compiler will generate an error.

    For example, if I added the following to my program, the compiler would generate an error (#71 incomplete type is not allowed) because the array is unsized.

    c++ program
    #pragma DATA_SECTION( ".mySection")
    int _my_memory[];
  • Yes, that fails in C++.  But it works in C.  And memory.c is C code.

    Thanks and regards,
