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Increasing the brightness

Could you provide more information about attaining 50 lumens with the LightCrafter? Specifically, how is this enabled? Does the unit need to be modified physically in any way? Also, can we have more information on which LEDs are used in the engine?

Thank you,


  • Justin,

    The unit is currently designed to provide a little over 20 lumens with a constant video output at ambient temperature and no additional cooling. The GUI allows you to increase the current to the LEDs, but the system is only warranted for 20 lumen operation. The default value for the GUI LED Current is 274, which corresponds to 633mA, or the max illumination for a continuous video output.

    If the LEDs are pulsed, then higher current could be used. We have tested up to 1.5A (or 784 value in the GUI) for short pulse durations. This is slightly above 50 lumens. The pulse duration is dependent on many system parameters: ambient temperature, thermal heat dissipation, LED temperature, DMD temperature, pulse width, pulse period, etc. To run the system above 20 lumens, you will need to determine how much thermal cooling is needed on the LEDs and DMD. For continuous 50 lumen video operation, the system needs to be modified with an additional heat sink on the LEDs with a fan, and fan duct. Please contact Young Optics International for more information on active cooling the light engine.

    The light engine has a thermistor on the Green LED that checks the temperature does not exceed 70C. This temperature is monitored by the MSP430. However, there is no thermistor on the DMD. Also, the current MSP430 firmware has the fan power disabled. In the near future, we will upload the source code for the MSP430 with the fan power enabled.

    The LEDs used are OSRAM with the following part numbers:

    • Red: LE A Q9WN
    • Green:  CCG H9RP
    • Blue: LE B Q9WN
  • The green LED has been renamed by OSRAM. Thus, the LED part numbers are:

    Green: L CG H9RN

    Red (617nm): LE A Q9WN

    Blue (465nm): LE B Q9WN

  • Hi Pedro,

    Is there another way to increase the brightness of the projector (Light Crafter) for example with an external source. I know that also in that case a system for active cooling should be added. Is it provided to be purchased from TI?

    Thank you,


  • Hi Jordanka,

    The following E2E post contains images of the cooling system we tested for the LightCrafter using Sunon MC25100V2. This might be helpful.



  • Thanks so much! What connector do I need for J8? Also, should I use a heat sink if so which one?

    Thanks again,

  • For reference, the J8 connector question is being worked on this thread:

    Hi Christine,

    It is good practice to create a new thread, once you cannot find your answer in the forums (as you did in the link I provided above). I would recommend in your new thread to reference other related threads that may have part of your answer or are related (like this thread), but do not quite answer your question.

    If you add a new post on an old thread, especially if it's been verified as answered (as this thread has been), it may take longer for your question to be addressed.
