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120MHz & 150MHz Clock Settings for C5515 ezdsp?

Guru 15580 points

I am using the sample code below to set my PLL frequency. I have tried to add code for 120MHz operation but it does not seem to work. Can anyone offer suggestion on how to get from 100MHz (works OK) to 120MHz (clock runs at 100MHz).

#define PLL_120M 1
#define PLL_100M 0
#define PLL_12M 0
#define PLL_98M 0

void InitSystem(void)
Uint16 i;
// PLL set up from RTC
// bypass PLL

#if (PLL_120M ==1)
PLL_CNTL2 = 0x8000; //CGCR2
PLL_CNTL4 = 0x0000; //CGCR4
PLL_CNTL3 = 0x0806; //CGCR3
PLL_CNTL1 = 0x8E4A; //CRCR1

#elif (PLL_100M ==1)
PLL_CNTL2 = 0x8000;
PLL_CNTL4 = 0x0000;
PLL_CNTL3 = 0x0806;
PLL_CNTL1 = 0x8BE8;

#elif (PLL_12M ==1)
PLL_CNTL2 = 0x8000;
PLL_CNTL4 = 0x0200;
PLL_CNTL3 = 0x0806;
PLL_CNTL1 = 0x82ED;
#elif (PLL_98M ==1)
// 98.304 MHz
PLL_CNTL2 = 0x8000;
PLL_CNTL4 = 0x0000;
PLL_CNTL3 = 0x0806;
PLL_CNTL1 = 0x82ED;


while ( (PLL_CNTL3 & 0x0008) == 0);
// Switch to PLL clk

// clock gating
// enable all clocks

// reset peripherals
PER_RESET = 0x00fb;
for (i=0; i< 200; i++);


I would also like to get 150MHz working. Any additional suggestions for 150MHz operation would be appreciated.

  • Hi

    For 120MHz:

    PLL_CNTL2 = 0x616E;
    PLL_CNTL4 = 0x0001;
    PLL_CNTL3 = 0x0806;
    PLL_CNTL1 = 0x8E48;

    For 150MHz, it must use external clock. This example uses 12MHz.

    PLL_CNTL2 = 0x613D;
    PLL_CNTL4 = 0x0001;
    PLL_CNTL3 = 0x0806;
    PLL_CNTL1 = 0x8F7B;



  • Hyun,

    I am a little confused by your values.

    1. If you set PLL_CNTL2 = 0x616E, you are setting 14-12 to 0x110, which are reserved bits according to page 30 of SPRUFX5D. Is this correct?

    2. As I mentioned, I am using the C5515 ezdsp, which uses the RTC clock (32768Hz) as its PLL input clock. Your values for 120MHz do not appear to the 32khz clock. Do they?

    3. Why do I need to use an external clock to achieve 120MHz? Why can't I multiply 32khz by 3662 to achieve 119,996,416 Hz (120MHz)?

    ====================================== update =================

    Never mind. I got it working.

  • Mikeh,

         Can you please tell me how are you checking PLL frequency is 100 MHz or 120 MHz.


  • Santosh,

    I use two methods.

    1. Since I am using the C5515 ezdsp, there is a test point that I can put a scope on to see the clock. The clock period for 100MHz is 10ns. The clock period for 120MHz is 8.3ns.

    2. I measure the execution time of an algorithm running on my board. I have measured its period to be ~1.3ms at 100MHz. When I change to 120MHz, its period drops to ~1.08ms.

    I hope this help.

  • Mikeh,

          Thanks a lot.

          In your second method , how are you calculating execution time of the algorithm. Is there any option in Code composer studio to calculate execution time.


  • Santosh,

    In the past I have used TI's DSP/BIOS in an attempt measure the duration of execution of code segments and algorithms. But it is quite complex and somewhat buggy leading to a lot of wasted time and frustration. Now I simply toggle extra GPIO lines and monitor them with a simple USB logic analyzer. Below is a screenshot of the USBEE logic analyzer. The bottom trace shows the GPIO lines being toggled to indicate when I enter and leave a certain section of code. It is a very accurate and simple way to make precise measurements.


  • Thanks mikeh....

  • All:

    Where can I find definitions for configInfo.PLLCNTL1,  .PLLCNTL2, etc.?

    It does not appear that PLLCNTL1 has the same bit mapping as CGCR1 (section of SPRUFP0c), especially MH?

    I have code that works,  but I would like to know why it works...


  • Hello,

    I try with no success to get 150MHz with an external 12MHz.

    I don't find why, and even if I used your configuration values, it doesn't work.

    When I power down the PLL, I get well the 12MHz, but when I power on the PLL, with any configuration, the SYSCLK_OUT peak is under 2V and the fequency is 179MHz.

    It seems to work not properly.

    Can I have some help on mly problem ?

    In your configuration values, why some bit are set otherwise they are reserved (in PLL_CNTL2 and PLL_CNTL1) ?



  • Hi,

    The CLOCK_OUT pin cannot provide full voltage range swing clock over 100MHz. 



  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply.

    When I use your configuration for 120MHz or 150MHz. The frequency measured in CLOCK_OUT is the same and is almost 179MHz.

    Is it supposed to act this way ?

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Hi,

    How about other frequency 100MHz? Just for checking for something right. Normally you should see almost correct frequency. Did you provide 1.4V at 150MHz on CVDD and PLL power supply?



  • Hi,

    For 100 MHz, I have the same problem: the SYSCLK_OUT peak is under 2V and the fequency is 179MHz.

    If I power down the PLL, I get the 12 MHz. So I think that my external oscillator12 Mhz works properly, but I don't understand why I don't success to use the PLL with the 12 MHz.

    Here on below the configuration I have used:

    For 100MHz,

    PLL_CNTL1 = 0x03E4;
    PLL_CNTL2 = 0x0074;
    PLL_CNTL3 = 0x0806;
    PLL_CNTL4 = 0x0000;

    For 120MHz,

    PLL_CNTL1 = 0x03E4;
    PLL_CNTL2 = 0x0060;
    PLL_CNTL3 = 0x0806;
    PLL_CNTL4 = 0x0000;

    And for 150MHz,

    PLL_CNTL1 = 0x03E4;
    PLL_CNTL2 = 0x004C;
    PLL_CNTL3 = 0x0806;
    PLL_CNTL4 = 0x0000;

    Even with your configuration, I get the same result.

    I provide 1.4V for CVDD and VDDA_PLL.

    With the 32.768KHz (when the CLK_SEL=0), I have no problem to get 100MHz or 120MHz, but it is limited to 120MHz and I whish to get 150MHz.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Diane,

    A couple of thoughts:

    1. I believe that only the C5505 can be operated up to 150MHz. Are you using a C5515 chip?

    2. If you are using the C5505 and want to operate at 150MHz, you must use the -15 variant. Take a look at this thread -

    3. Are you waiting for the PLL control register to stabilize after changing its value? My code (which came from TI demo code) includes the below code after changing the control registers.

    while ( (PLL_CNTL3 & 0x0008) == 0);

    I hope this helps.

  • Hello MikeH,

    Thanks a lot. You bring me some response.

    To answer you:

    1. It's ok, I use the C5505.

    2. I get the -12 variant sample to test the C5505 and I power it at 1.4V. I didn't know that it could depend of C5505 partnumber. Where can I fin information about different partnumbers ?

    3. I use the CSl library and it seems that the program waits for the stabilization (within the PLL_getTestLockMonStatus() function)


  • Diane,

    The part numbering can be found in the latest data sheet.

    Do you have a very long PCB trace on the CLKOUT line? Since its drive level is weak, you may have quite a bit of parasitic loading on the line causing the clock signal to degrade.

    Can you get the external 12MHz clock to work with the PLL for 100MHz? If not, then there is something else wrong. Double check the PLL control register values and make sure you are setting them for an external 12MHz clock instead of the 32KHz RTC clock.

  • Hi Mike,

    You have right for the PCB.

    I have a new one and the PLL generates successfully 100MHz and 120MHz form the external 12MHz.

    On my fist PCB, the DSP was connected by wire and it seems that the clock signal was degrated in consequence.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Good to hear that it's working. Glad I could be of help.

  • Hai !

    I am a newbie. I wanna set my C5515 PLL to 48 KHz. I have checked C5515 Gel and this is the script. Can you help me what must I do to set PLL to be 48 KHz ? How to calculate CGCR so that I get 48 KHz PLL ? Thanks 

    ProgramPLL_100MHz() { int i; GEL_TextOut("Configuring PLL (100 MHz).\n"); /* Enable clocks to all peripherals */ *(short *)PCGCR1@IO = 0x0; *(short *)PCGCR2@IO = 0x0; /* Bypass PLL */ *(short *)CCR2@IO = 0x0; /* Set CLR_CNTL = 0 */ *(short *)CGCR1@IO = *(short *)CGCR1@IO & 0x7FFF; *(short *)CGCR1@IO = 0x8BE8; *(short *)CGCR2@IO = 0x8000; *(short *)CGCR3@IO = 0x0806; *(short *)CGCR4@IO = 0x0000; /* Wait for PLL lock */ for(i=0;i<0x7fff;i++); /* Switch to PLL clk */ *(short *)CCR2@IO = 0x1; GEL_TextOut("PLL Init Done."); } ProgramPLL_120MHz() { int i; GEL_TextOut("Configuring PLL (120 MHz).\n"); /* Enable clocks to all peripherals */ *(short *)PCGCR1@IO = 0x0; *(short *)PCGCR2@IO = 0x0; /* Bypass PLL */ *(short *)CCR2@IO = 0x0; /* Set CLR_CNTL = 0 */ *(short *)CGCR1@IO = *(short *)CGCR1@IO & 0x7FFF; *(short *)CGCR1@IO = 0x8E4B; *(short *)CGCR2@IO = 0x8000; *(short *)CGCR3@IO = 0x0806; *(short *)CGCR4@IO = 0x0000; /* Wait for PLL lock */ for(i=0;i<0x7fff;i++); /* Switch to PLL clk */ *(short *)CCR2@IO = 0x1; GEL_TextOut("PLL Init Done."); } ProgramPLL_60MHz() { int i; GEL_TextOut("Configuring PLL (60 MHz).\n"); /* Enable clocks to all peripherals */ *(short *)PCGCR1@IO = 0x0; *(short *)PCGCR2@IO = 0x0; /* Bypass PLL */ *(short *)CCR2@IO = 0x0; /* Set CLR_CNTL = 0 */ *(short *)CGCR1@IO = *(short *)CGCR1@IO & 0x7FFF; *(short *)CGCR1@IO = 0x8724; *(short *)CGCR2@IO = 0x8000; *(short *)CGCR3@IO = 0x0806; *(short *)CGCR4@IO = 0x0000; /* Wait for PLL lock */ for(i=0;i<0x7fff;i++); /* Switch to PLL clk */ *(short *)CCR2@IO = 0x1; GEL_TextOut("PLL Init Done."); }

  • Hi,

    Please create a new thread for your request since old thread follow-up's would be paid lesser attention rather than new requests.

    Thanks & regards,

    Sivaraj K