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Interrupt Timer on the c5515

The EVM Sample is working fine and timer0 interrupts are happening.


When I do the same in my project - from time to time the interrupt stops.

When they stop I try to find the reason. - could you please see what I am missing?

I am checking that:

1) That CPU->IVPD & IVPH point to the interrupt table.
2) That the TINT0 in the interrupt table point to My Timer_isr()
3) CPU->ST1_55->INTM = 0 Global interrupt enabled
4) CPU->IER0->TINT = 1 timer interrupt enabled
5) SYS->TAFIR->TIM0FLAG    1 - INT    - Iterrupt has occurd
6) TIMCNT1    values are changing -> timer is runnig
7) I have a breakpoint in the first instruction of My Timer_isr()

All this is correct but still no interrupt.
No IFR0->TINT    =  0
And no stopping on the breakpoint.

What am I missing?

Thank you.
