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Strings Became Symbols When They Output in C


I am using dsk5416,CCSv3.1 and DSP/BIOS 4.80.188.

when i run timer1_useBios example it shows that the string become symols.

can you explane what should i change to see the exact result.

Thank you,

  • You ask a generic question how do you debug string/symbol with CCS

    The CCS that you use is very old. A few years ago TI moved to a new version of CCS, and the current version is CCSv6 (you can download an evaluation version from the Web). CCS is an IDE - integrated development environment.

    CCSv6 is based on Eclipse open standard, that is, the interface of the IDE is a standard interface.  There are many documents and training on the web how to use Eclipse and CCSv6. In addition, CCS itself has a help tab.   You have enough sources to answer your question


  • No response. I close the thread