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Framework / Model for Collecting data of different frequency and storing them into a memory(SD card)


I am currently working on a Data Logging device that uses TMS320C5515 DSP processor running at 100Mhz. The following describes the nature of my data

1.Audio(AIC3204) - 2 channel(16 bit/sample ) sampled at 8Khz frequency , connected through I2S bus

2.ECG (ADS1292R)-  4 channel (24 bit/sample) 4kilo sample / second, SPI slave

3. Temperature1 - 1 sample/second (16 bit/sample), I2C slave

4. Temperature2 - 1 sample/second (16 bit/sample), ADC

5. acceleometer(MPU 9250) - 25 sample/second , SPI slave

I am currently DMAing my audio data to my SD card. I collect the audio data using a ping pong buffer of 4096 bytes. When ping buffer fills up, it generates interrup and DMAs the buffer to sd card. This part works fine.

Now , i need to store the other data also into my SD card.

So, Is there any good model/framework that people use to handle such write intensive data logging application? I mean do they use some strategy like collecting data from different device and put them in a buffer and DMA it once the buffer is full ? Or is there any well designed framework , that could handle when the frequency of data acquisition is scaled up ? 

  • Hi,

    I do not think we have a framework/model for the scenario you had mentioned. I believe it would be 2 step approach, 1st transfer to internal memory and then transfer to MMC/SD. 

    Hope this information helps.

