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Compiler/TMS320C5505: Advisory CPU_116

Guru 24520 points
Part Number: TMS320C5505

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

Hi TI Experts,

Please let me confirm the following question.
My customer was faced the following warning. How should customer handle this issue? Can they ignore this warning?
If yes, would you please teach me the way to not show this message at compiling?

The instruction information in this loop has been disrupted(possibly by an intervening initialized section). The assembler assumes that this loop may contain a nested localrepeat that may cause execution to terminate if an iteration of a nested localrepeat is interrupted; (see theC55x silicon exceptions errata; Advisory CPU_116)

They have used the following environment.



     Complier Version:4.4.1

     CCS Version:7.3.0

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Best regards.