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I2C bootloader about C6474

I2C bootloader:
in our board, we use the I2C master bootloader method, but it is inconvenient when creating the boot Image ourselves. so, can you offer us some I2C bootloader examples for 6474, the tools for creating the boot image and the relevant documents?
  • The C6474 DSP Bootloader User's Guide (sprug24) is the relevant document, with details on implementing an I2C bootloader.

    To find this and other useful documents, you can do the following:

    1. Go to
    2. Under Design Support, pull down the box that says Select Product Group and pick DSP.
    3. Then pull down the Select Document Type box, select User Guides and click GO.
    4. Under Technical Documents, pull down the Processor Platforms box, then under C6000 High Performance DSPs select TMS320C647x DSPs and click GO.
    5. You will find the Bootloader User's Guide and other useful UGs in the displayed list.
    6. To look at the available Application Notes, go back to the top of this Technical Documents page and change the second drop-down box to Application Notes, then click GO.