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Keystone training

This is a follow up of the the thread Since I had already marked the thread as having been answered I was unable to create a new post on that thread. 

I tried accessing the keystone training material today but was unable to do so, either via the 4G dongle, my office network (both from India and Canada), my home network. Also several of my colleagues confirmed that they were unable to access the training material from their home network. I would therefore like to request TI to make these presentations available for download so that we have at least a fall back option while this issue is resolved.

I am interested in the following training material at the very least. Can these presentations be made available for download.

KeyStone I C667x DSP SoC Architecture Overview
KeyStone C66x DSP CorePac Overview
KeyStone Memory and Cache
KeyStone Multicore Navigator
KeyStone Multicore Navigator: Queue Manager Subsystem (QMSS)
KeyStone Multicore Navigator: Packet DMA
KeyStone Inter-Processor Communication (IPC)
KeyStone Network Co-Processor (NETCP) Overview
KeyStone NETCP: Packet Accelerator (PA)
KeyStone Serial Rapid IO (SRIO) - I already have this as a .zip file

Best regards


  • Arvind, are you following bookmarks or are you going to our home page, then selecting support and community and then selecting on line training? Because I was able to see these trainings seconds ago...
  • Hi Rogerio,

    I was using bookmarks before, but as you suggested also following the path of going to the TI homepage ( selecting support and community and then selecting on line training. That didn't change the behavior. I see a struck screen as shown in the capture below i.e. the flash content does not load. I tried this again using a 4G dongle just to remove the suspect that the office network speed was causing trouble but there too the content did not load successfully. 

    Given that the content does not load in my home network, I am certain this has nothing to do with the firewall settings as well. 

    My request therefore is to get access to this material as downloadable files which we can use within our office. 

    Best regards


  • Arvind:

    Sorry to hear you are still having issues using the training. As Raja has stated, the training is active and operational. If the problem is not network-specific, then it may be related to the device(s) that are being used for access.

    As mentioned previously, this training is not intended for download. However, I can arrange to zip up the content and sent it to you (this may take a few days). However, I kindly request that you use it for no more than three months before checking back for updated copies. We are in the process of a refresh of this content, which means revised versions will be posted in the short term.



  • Hi Rob,

    Thanks!!! I really look forward to download the files.

    I really don't suspect the device. As I mentioned, three of my other colleagues have tried accessing the content with no success. Additionally, I was able to access these presentations perfectly well a few months ago right from my office desk . Something has indeed changed but I dont know where.

    Best regards
  • Arvind:

    Thanks for the clarification. As nothing has changed on the TI end, this must remain a localized issue. Why it is happening on multiple networks (work/home) remains puzzling.

    I'll advise you as soon as the files are ready.



  • Hi Arvind,

    All the external training links are recovered across all the browers and platforms. Please check if you can access those without any issues.

    Thank you.