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How to change LTE Ingress/Egress Timing for Sync purpose

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6670


I'm looking for ideas to avoid a ringbuffer implemented in DSP code for IQ data und use DataBuffer (DB) in AIF2 instead.

Change of ACX_OFFSET while runtime does not work

&aifObj.hCsl->regs->PD_DMACHAN_A[0] = ...

Is it possible to reload Timer (AT) Register or use Offset Register to move IQ sample position in resulting PKTDMA Descriptor payload, without stop, reconfigure and restart AIF2?

Or overwrite Frame, Symbol or Clock counter at runtime!?

Thanks a lot


  • Hello Mehly,

    Are you using a TCI device?

    TCI66xx devices such as TCI6618 are supported directly through Local Field Applications Engineers (FAEs.)  These devices are not supported on the E2E forum.  Please contact your local FAE for support of these devices.  If you are not sure who your local FAE is, then please contact your local technical sales representative and they will be able to put you in contact with your local FAE.



  • Hi David,

    I'm using an normal TMS320c6670 device.

    Best regards,