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PCIe to PCIe transfer by refclk via AMC connector

Guru 10570 points

I am evaluating K2HEVM PCIe transfer as endpoint.
KeystoneI and II EVMs can choose clock source for PCIe by CLK_MUX_SEL register in FPGA.

Have you ever been able to succeed PCIe transfer by refclk via AMC connector?
(Either information of KeystoneI or KeystoneII is ok.)

Best regards, RY

  • RY,

    Yes, we have that verified. For KS I device, we tested it with a Linux PC, where the PC sources the reference clock to DSP card, details \ti\mcsdk_2_01_02_06\tools\boot_loader\examples\pcie. Here DSP card is PCIE EP.

    For KS II device, the EVM is too big to assmble into a PC, we tested it as PCIE RC. The EVM is assmbled into a Micro TCA chassis with a Jumpgen PCIE-NIC card as PCIE EP as well, the PCIE refclk is distributed from a PCIE clock module on MCH card to both RC and EP. On KS II, we run the embedded Linux OS.

    Regards, Eric