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Fftc_rxOpen and Fftc_rxClose functions memory leakage


I'am using pdk_C6670_1_1_2_6. In my program I have found a memory leakage in pair of functions Fftc_rxOpen and Fftc_rxClose (located in the fftc.c file).  So the amount of memory Fftc_rxOpen allocate is always 32 bytes bigger than Fftc_rxClose frees in the Heap memory. And each time this functions called we loose 32 byte of memory. I do monitor amount of heap with ROV analyzer. After subsequent calls to  Fftc_rxOpen followed by Fftc_rxClose the amount of free memory in heap reduces by 32 every cycle. 

I have checked it in FFTC_Simple_testProject example from the PDK. The problem remains the same. For me it's very important to fix this. Are someone aware of this problem? Maybe there are some newer versions of FFTC LLD library functions? I don't want to change anything by my self in the functions before asking. Thank you in advance for the answer.   

Best Regards,
