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errors in the SRIO TMS320C6678

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6678


We use the SRIO interface in DSP tms320c6678. Now we see the processor is configured to SRIO with errors – configuration in a mode 1x instead required 4x. We see this errors at different speeds (2.5 Gb/s and 3.125 Gb/s).

We found out in the process of debugging that the lines "0" and "3" are not working correctly, other ones (lines "2" and "3") - incorrectly. We used an oscilloscope to test the lines. You can see in the first picture a wrong signals. It is a parasitic amplitude signal modulation with a period of 30-33 ns.

You can see in the second picture two signals simultaneously - correct and incorrect.

Pic. 3 - configuration pf port is ok.

Pic. 4 - also ok.

Could you pls help us to find the bug?


  • Welcome to the TI E2E forum. I hope you will find many good answers here and in the documents and in the TI Wiki Pages (for processor issues). Be sure to search those for helpful information and to browse for the questions others may have asked on similar topics ( Please read all the links below my signature.

    We will get back to you on the above query shortly. Thank you for your patience.

  • Hi,

    Please provide the more information for your test setup. Have you getting error in 4x lane mode configuration?

    Have you using TI provide SRIO example code for your testing?

  • Are you using EVM or custom board? MCSDK version used?
  • Hi, Ganapathi!

    We have develop and manufactured custom board. The board has a number of switches and subscribes. We see the problem only in a port of switch which is connected to the DSP. The switch is always connected to the processor in mode 4x, ie the port is configured in mode 4x (at a speed 3,125 Gb/s). We also see the problem when the port is operating at the speed 2,5 Gb/s. 

    The problem looks like a automatically force downgrade the port of switch in the mode 1x, at that the counter BER (bit error rate) in a status register of the lane1 and lane 2 of the switch are in maximum value, but a value of the counter BER in a status register of the lane 0 and lane 3 are zero.

    So this is working project which is based on an examples projects by TI.

    Board platform - custom board

    Processor tms320c6678 ver. 1

    Work station with OS Ubuntu 13.04 x64


    Code Composer Studio Version:

    compiler c6000_7.4


    Used libraries:

    Inter-processor Communication


    MCSDK PDK TMS320C6678






    Plug-in version:



    Plug-in version:



    Plug-in version:


  • Hi,

    Have you testing SRIO internal-loopback with SRIO switch? Share SRIO serdues configuration detail(MPY, reference clock, ...)

    Please take a look at below threads:

  • Hi, Ganapathi!
    Our SRIO settings and method of configuration:

    //SRIO GBaud per lane: 3.125, RefClk (MHz): 312.5
    srio_config.srio_rate = c66xu::kSrioRateHalf;

    config.is_loopback_enabled = false;
    kSrioMultiplyFactor = 5;

    enum SrioRate {
    kSrioRateFull = 0,
    kSrioRateHalf = 1,
    kSrioRateQuater = 2,
    kSrioRateReserved = 3

    Srio_DrvHandle InitSrio(const MasterConfig &config) {
    // init srio device
    c66xu::SrioDeviceConfig srio_config;
    srio_config.is_loopback_enabled = config.is_loopback_enabled;
    srio_config.pll_multiply_factor = kSrioMultiplyFactor;
    srio_config.srio_rate = c66xu::kSrioRateHalf;
    srio_config.path_mode = c66xu::kSrioMode1port4x;
    srio_config.device_id = config.device_id;
    srio_config.num_port_checks = 1000;
    // init driver
    Srio_DrvHandle srio_driver =
    reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(kSrioMessageBufferAddress),
    return srio_driver;

    void InitSrioDevice(const SrioDeviceConfig &config) {
    // store srio config for reset
    srio_device_config = config;
    // get srio handle
    srio_handle = CSL_SRIO_Open(kDefaultSrioInstanceNumber);
    if (srio_handle == NULL) {
    // code to disable SRIO reset isolation
    // srio will reset when the device resets
    if (CSL_PSC_isModuleResetIsolationEnabled(CSL_PSC_LPSC_SRIO)) {
    // disable controller
    // set boot complete to be 0; we are not done with the initialization
    CSL_SRIO_SetBootComplete(srio_handle, 0);
    // enable Controller
    // set loopback mode
    if (config.is_loopback_enabled) {
    for (int i = 0; i < kSrioPortCount; ++i) {
    CSL_SRIO_SetLoopbackMode(srio_handle, i);
    // enable Automatic Priority Promotion of response packets
    // unknown use
    // Set the SRIO Prescalar select to operate in the range of 313.2 to 626.4
    CSL_SRIO_SetPrescalarSelect(srio_handle, 6);
    // Unlock the Boot Configuration Kicker
    // allow the Boot configuration MMR registers to be come writeable
    // set PLL according to config

    // Configure the SRIO SERDES Rx Tx
    uint32_t serdes_config_rx_value = internal::FormSerdesConfigRxValue(config);
    uint32_t serdes_config_tx_value = internal::FormSerdesConfigTxValue(config);
    for (int i = 0; i < kSrioPortCount; ++i) {
    CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESRxConfig(i, serdes_config_rx_value);
    CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESTxConfig(i, serdes_config_tx_value);
    // Loop around till the SERDES PLL is not locked
    uint32_t serdes_status = 0;
    while (!(serdes_status & 0x1)) {
    // clear the LSU pending interrupts
    CSL_SRIO_ClearLSUPendingInterrupt(srio_handle, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
    // set srio names ids etc
    internal::ConfigSrioIds(srio_handle, config);
    // set different srio flag features
    internal::ConfigSrioFeatures(srio_handle, config);

    // Configure the component tag CSR, is not used, needed when no DeviceId
    CSL_SRIO_SetCompTagCSR(srio_handle, 0x00000000);

    // Configure the PLM for all the ports.
    //TODO Дебаг 2015 useIdle1
    SRIO_PLM_IMPL_CONTROL implControl;
    for (int i = 0; i < kSrioPortCount; i++) {
    // Set the PLM Port Silence Timer.
    CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortSilenceTimer(srio_handle, i, 0x2);
    /* TODO: We need to ensure that the Port 0 is configured to support both
    * the 2x and 4x modes. The Port Width field is read only. So here we simply
    * ensure that the Input and Output ports are enabled. */
    CSL_SRIO_EnableInputPort(srio_handle, i);
    CSL_SRIO_EnableOutputPort(srio_handle, i);
    // Set the PLM Port Discovery Timer.
    CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortDiscoveryTimer(srio_handle, i, 0x2);
    // Reset the Port Write Reception capture
    CSL_SRIO_SetPortWriteReceptionCapture(srio_handle, i, 0x0);

    // Get the PLM Implementation specific control
    CSL_SRIO_GetPortPLMImplSpecificControl(srio_handle, i, &implControl);
    implControl.useIdle1 = 1;
    CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortImplSpecificControl(srio_handle, i, &implControl);
    // Set the Port link timeout CSR
    CSL_SRIO_SetPortLinkTimeoutCSR(srio_handle, 0x000FFF);
    // Set the Port General CSR: Only executing as Master Enable
    CSL_SRIO_SetPortGeneralCSR(srio_handle, 0, 1, 0);
    // Clear the sticky register bits
    CSL_SRIO_SetLLMResetControl(srio_handle, 1);
    /* Set the device id to be 0 for the Maintenance Port-Write operation
    * to report errors to a system host. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetPortWriteDeviceId(srio_handle, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
    // Set the Data Streaming MTU
    CSL_SRIO_SetDataStreamingMTU(srio_handle, 64);
    /* Configure the path mode for the ports. */
    for (int i = 0; i < kSrioPortCount; i++) {
    CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortPathControlMode(srio_handle, i, config.path_mode);
    // Set the LLM Port IP Prescalar
    CSL_SRIO_SetLLMPortIPPrescalar(srio_handle, 0x21);
    // Enable the peripheral
    // Configuration has been completed
    CSL_SRIO_SetBootComplete(srio_handle, 1);
    // Check that all ports were initialized
    int checked_port_count = kSrioPortCount;
    // in 4x mode only port 1 returns port ok
    if (config.path_mode == kSrioMode1port4x) {
    checked_port_count = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < checked_port_count; i++) {
    int retries_count = 0;
    for (retries_count = 0; retries_count < config.num_port_checks;
    ++retries_count) {
    if (CSL_SRIO_IsPortOk(srio_handle, i) == TRUE) {
    if (retries_count == config.num_port_checks) {

    /* Set all the queues 0 to operate at the same priority level and to
    * send packets onto Port 1 */
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 16; i++) {
    CSL_SRIO_SetTxQueueSchedInfo(srio_handle, i, 0, 0);

    /* Set the Doorbell route to determine which routing table is to be used
    * This configuration implies that the Interrupt Routing Table is configured as
    * follows:-
    * Interrupt Destination 0 - INTDST 16
    * Interrupt Destination 1 - INTDST 17
    * Interrupt Destination 2 - INTDST 18
    * Interrupt Destination 3 - INTDST 19
    CSL_SRIO_SetDoorbellRoute(srio_handle, 1);

    /* Route the Doorbell interrupts.
    * Doorbell Register 0 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 0.
    * Doorbell Register 1 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 1.
    * Doorbell Register 2 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 2.
    * Doorbell Register 3 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 3. */
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(srio_handle, 0, i, 0);
    CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(srio_handle, 1, i, 1);
    CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(srio_handle, 2, i, 2);
    CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(srio_handle, 3, i, 3);

    // this causes some strange errors
    // srio_handle->RIO_PLM[0].RIO_PLM_SP_LONG_CS_TX1 = 0x2003F044; }
  • Hi, Ganapathi!

    Do you have any news for me?