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TMS320C6678: Questions about MSMC Scrubbing Engine on C66x

Part Number: TMS320C6678


I got a number of questions about the MSMC Scrubbing Engine for C6678.

  1. Where does it start to scrub first or it just scrubs sequentially from the first location till last or else?
  2. How fast can it complete the scrubbing of whole 4MB of SL2? Let’s assume default REFDEL of 1 is used which means 1024 MSMC clock cycles between each burst. So for a 1.1GHz part where MSMC draws from SYSCLK3 which is ½-rate clock, so that’s roughly 1.86µs between bursts.
  3. What happen during the scrubbing cycle or a scrubbing burst when a master also attempts to access the same location that is being scrubbed?
  4. What is the size of each scrubbing burst?
  5. If memory protection is programmed in MSMC, would this somehow conflict with the scrubbing engine’s operation? That is for a certain MSMC RAM region I've programmed it to be read-only (for a certain PrivIDs), would the scrubbing engine’s attempt to correct a 1-bit error in that read-only space triggers a memory protection fault?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


Chris Wang

  • Hi Chris,

    I've forwarded this to the hardware experts. Their feedback should be posted here.

    Tsvetolin Shulev
  • Hi,

    Any update from the hardware experts?



  • Hi Chris

    This is my personal understanding from reading chapter 2.5.4 of

    Where does it start to scrub first or it just scrubs sequentially from the first location till last or else?

    >>>> since the scrubbing is done by a state machine, and I have no found any register that control the starting address of the state machine, I assume that it starts from the first location and continue until teh end and starts again

    How fast can it complete the scrubbing of whole 4MB of SL2? Let’s assume default REFDEL of 1 is used which means 1024 MSMC clock cycles between each burst. So for a 1.1GHz part where MSMC draws from SYSCLK3 which is ½-rate clock, so that’s roughly 1.86µs between bursts.

    >>>> My understanding is that in order to cover 4MB of MSMC memory (or 64 * 64K) the number of cycles that is needed is 64K *1024 (I assume the actual read and write is negligible compare to the time between bursts) so it takes 64M MSMC cycles, and for C6678 it is 128M cycles or 125 milliseconds. Does it make sense to you?

    What happen during the scrubbing cycle or a scrubbing burst when a master also attempts to access the same location that is being scrubbed?

    >>>> Like anything else in this system there is a priority scheme. I am not sure which one will have a priority but I assume that when scrubbing starts it blocks the access to the 64 bytes until it is done.

    What is the size of each scrubbing burst?

    >>>> In the calculation above I assumed that a burst is 64 bytes. I will ask around to see what is the burst. If the burst size is more than 64 (and it must be a multiplication of 64 bytes) then the complete cycle time is different. In any case, I am going to inquire around and I will get back to you about this

    If memory protection is programmed in MSMC, would this somehow conflict with the scrubbing engine’s operation? That is for a certain MSMC RAM region I've programmed it to be read-only (for a certain PrivIDs), would the scrubbing engine’s attempt to correct a 1-bit error in that read-only space triggers a memory protection fault?

    >>> I do not think that read only for certain PrivID changes anything. The protection is done in the interface between the bus and the MSMC while the scrubbing is internal to the MSMC

    Again, I will verify the burst size.

  • Hi Ran,

    Thanks for the answers. They are helpful.

    By the way I found an Application Report titled "Build Robust System on KeyStone Devices" on the web but outside the TI doc repository. It mentioned that the bust size is four 32-byte chunks. Since there are 4 banks of RAM in MSMC, I guess this means the scrubbing engine accesses 32-byte on each bank at once per burst.

    Do you know where can I download the latest or the official version of this Application Report? This report also mentioned that there is a CCS project that comes with it. Where can I get that project?

    Best regards,

  • Not sure about the report, but from the design document:

    A fully pipelined scrub burst sequence of 4-reads,4-writes of four consecutive memory addresses is employed.
    This locks out each sub-bank for 8 cycles but results in better utilization of the bandwidth available at the banks

    So the scrubbing burst is 4 reads of a sub-bank. Each sub-bank of C6678 is 32 bytes, so 4 reads are 128 bytes.  You can plug it into the formula for the complete scrubbing time



  • Ran,

    Thanks for reply.

    Which design document are you referring to?

    By the way I have attached the application report that I mentioned previously.  Can you find the latest version of this report and the said CCS project from TI?



    Build Robust System on KeyStone Devices.pdf

  • Internal TI design document of the architecture. Ir is not a public document.
  • Hello,

    In fact Chris question was very similar to mine (
    Thank you guys for your answers.

    I have however an additional one:
    I would like to turn OFF and ON again the scrubbing engine to make it active only during some timewindow to avoid concurrent access with the DSP core. Do you think it is possible ?
    In other words, what happens if I turn OFF and ON again the scrubbing engine via SMEDCC.[SEN] bit:
    Does the scrubbing operation resumes from the MSMC address where it has been stopped ?
    OR The scrubbing engine is reset and perfoms the parity initialization of the whole MSMC with the 1024 prescaler disabled as on DSP reset ?

