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ISIF - Converting from 16-bit to 12-bit

Hi all,


We are trying to utilize the VPFE peripheral of the DM365 Video Processor, but we are facing some difficulties.

Looking at the ISIF block diagram we see a "16-to-12 Bit" block used to convert a 16-bit signal to 12-bit signal.

The above block is followed by a mux which is used to select between the output of this block and a another 12-bit signal (part of the input to the "16-to-12 Bit" block).

  1. How do we control the mux? The diagram has no indication for the select line.
  2. How does the second input to the mux look like? Is it the 12 LSB of the data?




  • Hi Holden,

    Which mux do you refer to here? The one before or after the 16-12 bit block? The one before is controlled by MODESET[6], which is for the polarity of input data, the one after is controlled by LINCFG[0], which is to enable of bypass the linearization block. In all practical use cases, these two bits should be left to their default value, which is ZERO.


  • Hello!

    Though LINCFG register is mentioned in VPFE User's guide as configuration, which has to be made for RAW input (table 5-2); it is missed in registers list  and registers description (at least in C rev of VPFE guide). May we have access to this information somewhere, before the misprint is being corrected?

