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H3A Support

How much support are we able to provide for our H3A statistics module in the video front end?  It seems to be listed in some data sheets (DM365) but not others (DM355, DM368).  Where should customers go for support?


  • I've been talking with some of the support teams internally.  Bottom line:  Regardless of device (e.g. DM355, DM365, DM368, etc) we do not have the support bandwidth to assist customers in tuning every single sensor in existence for use with our devices.


    • Use a sensor that has already been tuned for our devices in the reference designs available from Leopard Imaging and Appro.
    • Contract Leopard Imaging or Appro to do the necessary tuning for using some other sensor.

    Both companies have boards for sale that offer sensors that have been tuned to work with our devices.  If one of those specific sensors is acceptable for a given application then there would be a low amount of risk to re-use that solution in a custom board.

  • dear all:
    i use appro's dm355 platform. and i sure the aew_isr is registered, when i test the aew/af module, i found when the ccdc and sensor is working on 720p mode(video),the h3a never give up a interrupt, so aew didn't work. but when i change the ccdc and sensor working on 1944p mode(capture a picture),the h3a give up a interrupt,and the aew work ok. it is really strange.
     does anyone got the same question?

    the appro's H3A demo is as below:
    in the code,dm355_AEW_Read always return zero.
    if(  ( aew_buff_size = dm355_AEW_open(resolution) )!=-1 )
            printf("aew_buff_size = %d\n",aew_buff_size);
            pAew_buff = (unsigned short *)calloc( sizeof(char), aew_buff_size);
            printf("aew_appro wait for Rendezvous...\n");
            printf("aew enter main loop\n");
            while( !gblGetQuit() )
                if( dm355_AEW_Read( (void *)pAew_buff , aew_buff_size) )


            free( pAew_buff );

  • Holy thread resurrection ...

    How about offering the documentation on an unsupported basis.  It's not like you actually offer any support for most of this stuff anyway.  The open source world will convert your documentation and the actual capabilities of the chip into something people can use without going down proprietary routes.
