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TMS320DM368: Query related to TVP7002 decoder

Part Number: TMS320DM368
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP7002


       We are working on a video project in which TMS320DM368 is used which is taking 16 bit YCbCr from the TVP7002 video decoder. As TVP7002 takes analog input. I have following queries:

1. As written in TVP7002 decoder datasheet, it digitizes RGB graphics upto UXGA(1600x1200). We want to give RGB video data with SXGA resolution(1280x1024). Is there any difference between RGB graphics and RGB video? 

2. We are giving input from the VGA connector, We need to give RGB with SOG input? or only RGB is enough for TVP7002?  or any sync signal is required for TVP7002?


Amit Soni