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Read nand flash contents through JTAG


Is it possible to read the NAND flash contents throgh JTAG using CCSv5? If it is possible what is the procedure?

What is ELM (Error locator module) ? How does it help ?



  • Hi Madhura,

    Load the image from NAND to DDR3 RAM, then you can explore the RAM content under CCS/JTAG.

    ELM ECC engine: used for locating and decoding ECC errors while reading the NAND device. Error Locator Module (ELM) Outside of GPMC to Provide Upto 16-Bit/512-Bytes Hardware ECC for NAND.
    UBIFS is now implemented using 8-bit BCH ECC scheme. The implementation makes use of the ELM module and enables a uniform 8-bit ECC schemes across ROM, U-boot, Kernel and File System.

    See also the below pointers for ELM:

    DM814x datasheet, section 8.8 General-Purpose Memory Controller (GPMC) and Error Location Module (ELM)
    DM814x TRM, section 1.11 Error Location Module, NAND Read Sector Procedure's_Guide
