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How to load Hello World Code on the ARM Core in TMS320C6A8167?


I did the following steps to run the hello world code on the ARM core of TMS320C6A8167 :

build the project

make target configuration file

launch target configuration file

load program

but i get the following message in console window:

CortexA8: GEL output: GEL reset

rather than the expected Hello World!

what should i do??

  • Hi,

    Moving your post to right forum to be better answered.

    Thanks & regards,
    Sivaraj K
  • Raunak,

    Before loading the program (CCS *.out file, generated from *.c/h files) you should connect to the Cortex-A8 ARM core and load/run GEL file to make device basic initialization.

  • I did load the GEL file in the field for "Initialization Script" for the Cortex A8 in the Advanced tab while making the target configuration.
  • Which GEL file you are using? What is the name of the file?

    Regarding C6-Integra C6A816x device:

    TI does not recommend C6A816x for new designs (NRND). TI recommends that customers purchase DM816x or AM389x solutions, which are pin-to-pin and software compatible devices to the C6A816x devices. DM816x provides equivalent ARM® and DSP performance with the addition of HD video acceleration. AM389x provides equivalent ARM® performance. Please see the DM816x and AM389x pages for more information.

  • Raunak,

    I have just tested on my DM816x TI EVM ( and I am able to run "Hello World" application without using any GEL file.

    My steps:

    - create new project with Target: DaVinci DM81xx -> EVMDM8168 (C6-Integra C6A81xx is among the other possible options), compiler version TI v5.1.8, Empty Project (with main.c)

    - in main.c file I added:
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {

    printf("Hello World!!!");

    return 0;

    - then I build the hello_world.out file from the hello_world project (the new project) and main.c file:
    Project -> Build All (I have hellow_world.out file as result)

    - then I create new Target Configuration file inside this project (DM8168_hello.ccxml)
    Connection: Blackhawk USB560-M Emulator, 20-pin JTAG Cable
    Board or Device: EVMDM8168

    - then I test the connection from the "Test Connection" button (the target board should be power on), in success I have the below message:
    "The JTAG Integrity scan-test has succeeded"
    I recommend you at this point to test your connection also and verify that the test is successful.

    - then I launch the selected configuration (DM8168_hello.ccxml) and I have as result:
    BH USB560-M Emulator, 20-pin JTAG/C674x (Disconnected : Unknown)
    BH USB560-M Emulator, 20-pin JTAG/Cortex-A8 (Disconnected : Unknown)

    - then I select Cortex-A8, then Tools -> GEL Files - I have evm816x.gel file selected by default. I remove it. Thus I have no GEL file.

    - then I connect to Cortex-A8 core, it switch from Disconnected to Suspended (no symbols are defined for 0x0002XXXX) state.

    - then I load the hellow world application binary
    Run -> Load -> Load Program -> ... -> hello_world.out

    - if do not run, then click Suspend (Alt + F8), load again (Run -> Load -> Load Program -> ... -> hello_world.out) and Resume (F8)

    - on success you should see in CCS Console window "[Cortex-A8] Hello World!!!"

  • yeah thanks it worked that way.