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VPSS Exception Error while running two instances of the mdeiscaler

I'm currently running one omx based application that has two independent   decoding->mdeiscaler instances running simultaneously  on the Dm8168 EVM using EZSDK 5_05_02_00 . I am experiencing an endurance  issue after a variable window  of time (between 17 to 30 hours when switching videos really fast), this issue causes the whole omx layer to crash and I am unable to get return values from any omx call that is performed just after the issue. In the M3 traces I'm able  see the following VPSS thread exception: 

N:Video P:1 #:48199 T:00001d8bdb088bc9 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Component OMX.TI.DUCATI.VIDDEC In table OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFCC idx 0
N:Video P:1 #:48200 T:00001d8bdb0926b5 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Component OMX.TI.DUCATI.VIDDEC In table OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFDC idx 1
N:Video P:1 #:48201 T:00001d8bdb09ca79 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Component OMX.TI.DUCATI.VIDDEC In table OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFPC.DEIHDUALOUT idx 2
N:VPSS P:2 #:10139 T:00001d8bdc4cfe41 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:FATAL ERROR: ErrorCode:0x1. Unhandled Exception:
N:Video P:1 #:48202 T:00001d8bdb0a81cb M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Component OMX.TI.DUCATI.VIDDEC In table OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFPC.DEIMDUALOUT idx 3
N:VPSS P:2 #:10140 T:00001d8bdc4db045 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task
N:Video P:1 #:48203 T:00001d8bdb0b2ead M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Component OMX.TI.DUCATI.VIDDEC In table OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFPC.NF idx 4
N:VPSS P:2 #:10141 T:00001d8bdc4e45eb M:xdc.runtime.Main S:handle: 0x9f107338.
N:Video P:1 #:48204 T:00001d8bdb0bdb0d M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Component OMX.TI.DUCATI.VIDDEC In table OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFPC.INDTXSCWB idx 5
N:Video P:1 #:48205 T:00001d8bdb0c7c4f M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Component OMX.TI.DUCATI.VIDDEC In table OMX.TI.VPSSM3.CTRL.TVP idx 6
N:VPSS P:2 #:10142 T:00001d8bdc4ef9d7 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:stack base: 0x9f107380.
N:Video P:1 #:48206 T:00001d8bdb0d12ab M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Component OMX.TI.DUCATI.VIDDEC In table OMX.TI.VPSSM3.CTRL.DC idx 7
N:Video P:1 #:48207 T:00001d8bdb0db28d M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Component OMX.TI.DUCATI.VIDDEC In table OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VSWMOSAIC idx 8
N:VPSS P:2 #:10143 T:00001d8bdc4f950b M:xdc.runtime.Main S:stack size: 0x2000.
N:VPSS P:2 #:10144 T:00001d8bdc50281d M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R0 = 0x0048089f R8 = 0x9f6456cc
N:VPSS P:2 #:10145 T:00001d8bdc50f233 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R1 = 0xffffffff R9 = 0x9f3db358
N:VPSS P:2 #:10146 T:00001d8bdc51aed3 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R2 = 0x9f645511 R10 = 0x9f109670
N:VPSS P:2 #:10147 T:00001d8bdc5274a9 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R3 = 0x9f5df78c R11 = 0x9f3df4d8
N:VPSS P:2 #:10148 T:00001d8bdc534097 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R4 = 0x00000000 R12 = 0x9f132230
N:VPSS P:2 #:10149 T:00001d8bdc53ec27 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R5 = 0xffffffff SP(R13) = 0x9f109110
N:VPSS P:2 #:10150 T:00001d8bdc54c187 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R6 = 0x9f131f08 LR(R14) = 0x9f645615
N:VPSS P:2 #:10151 T:00001d8bdc5588b7 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R7 = 0x9f115700 PC(R15) = 0x9f69c312
N:VPSS P:2 #:10152 T:00001d8bdc56517b M:xdc.runtime.Main S:PSR = 0x61000000
N:VPSS P:2 #:10153 T:00001d8bdc56fa51 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:ICSR = 0x0440f803
N:VPSS P:2 #:10154 T:00001d8bdc578f95 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:MMFSR = 0x00
N:VPSS P:2 #:10155 T:00001d8bdc580f7b M:xdc.runtime.Main S:BFSR = 0x82
N:VPSS P:2 #:10156 T:00001d8bdc589649 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:UFSR = 0x0000
N:VPSS P:2 #:10157 T:00001d8bdc592671 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:HFSR = 0x40000000
N:VPSS P:2 #:10158 T:00001d8bdc59be89 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:DFSR = 0x00000000
N:VPSS P:2 #:10159 T:00001d8bdc5a3c85 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:MMAR = 0x0048089f
N:VPSS P:2 #:10160 T:00001d8bdc5acfb7 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:BFAR = 0x0048089f
N:VPSS P:2 #:10161 T:00001d8bdc5b69cb M:xdc.runtime.Main S:AFSR = 0x00000000
N:VPSS P:2 #:10162 T:00001d8bdc5bee8b M:xdc.runtime.Main S:FATAL ERROR: ErrorCode:0x1. Terminating Execution...

My question is, using that information, is there any way that I can check the line of code that causes the Error ?(I have acces to the ezsdk overlay source) .


  • Hello,

    You are right is seems that the vpss crashed.

    Jose Jimenez said:
    one omx based application that has two independent   decoding->mdeiscaler instances running simultaneously  on the Dm8168

    What is the use case?

    1 app -> decode->dei->...


    and switch between both decoders and DEIs?

    Are you observe same problem with you are using scalers (SC5) not DEIs?

    Are you observe it when you are not switching videos "really fast"?


  • Hi Margarita,

    Thanks for your reply. Actually my aplication consist on two sources that feeds the display. By switching fast I mean basically displaying one source (file->decode->dei) for 10 seconds and then switching to the other one.
    I could test using the scalers instead of the Dei, but I'm actually deinterlacing for displaying so that would not be a viable solution for me. And yes, I'm actually able to see it when not switching in 10s intervals, I just have to wait a bit longer for seeing it but it does happens eventually.

    Does the information that is given by the Unhandled Exception tells us anything about what might be crashing?, how can I debug/read that Unhandled Exception?

    Thanks Again!

  • Hello,

    I understand about the DEI usage, but if you observe same problem with the scaler we could eliminate the option, problem in DEI.

    How you are switching the files which you are decoding? I mean, are you destroying the decoder and other elements between switching and reinit?
