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error: can't allocate .far, size 0032aa0a (page 0) in DDR2 (avail: 001d5114)


I have changed the memory configuration file according to my requirements but still I am getting this error.

Following is the full error message

*** Building Dsp Side in Release mode ***
"tsk_VideoStab.c", line 335: warning: variable "dsp_profile" was declared but never referenced
Building DSP/BIOS file...
Compiling Release...
>>   error: can't allocate .far, size 0032aa0a (page 0) in DDR2 (avail:
>>   error: errors in input - Release/VideoStabDSP.out not built

>> Compilation failure
make: *** [Release/VideoStabDSP.out] Error 1

Please help me out to solve this.