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Histogram data all blank?

I am trying to set up the histogram function in the VPFE.  I get the interrupt telling me the frame is complete but all the histogram data is 0.  Image data is non-zero.  There is probably some switch or setting I have overlooked.  Any pointers would be appreciated.

Below is a section of code I used for setting up the VPFE:

   VPSS_PCR = 0;    // clear any junk errors
    CFG_VPSS_CLKCTL = 0x00000004;
    VPFE_CCDC_CCDCFG |=        0x00008000;    // Necessary for proper vpfe function
    VPFE_CCDC_SYN_MODE =      0x00030400;    //* 12 bit raw with hd/vd as inputs stored as 2 bytes
    VPFE_CCDC_HORZ_INFO =    (0 << 16) |    //* Get rid of XY code in output image
    VPFE_CCDC_VERT_START = 0;  //*
    VPFE_CCDC_VERT_LINES = image->ROI.LengthY-1;
    VPFE_CCDC_HSIZE_OFF = image->ROI.LengthY+1; // careful here as this ignores any %16 or %32 remainder depending on PACK8 in SYN_MODE
    VPFE_CCDC_SDR_ADDR = (Uint32)(image->Image);
    VPFE_CCDC_VDINT = ((image->ROI.LengthY/2) << 16)    // VDINT0     set to half way just for testing
                    | (image->ROI.LengthY-1);            // VDINT1

// histogram init
    VPFE_CCDC_FMTCFG = 0x0000E000;    // enable video formater take bits 11-2
    VPFE_CCDC_FMT_HORZ=    (0 << 16) |    image->ROI.LengthX;
    VPFE_CCDC_FMT_VERT=    (0 << 16) |    image->ROI.LengthY;

    VPFE_CCDC_VP_OUT= ((image->ROI.LengthY-1) << 17) |    (image->ROI.LengthX << 4);

    VPFE_HIST_HIST_CNT = 0x000000B0;    // clear data after read, 256 bins, input from CCD,
                                //X debug  shift right 4 bits (12 bit input)
    VPFE_HIST_R0_HORZ = image->ROI.LengthX-1;
    VPFE_HIST_R0_VERT = image->ROI.LengthY-1;

Snippet for reading some histogram data:

        if (bin==0xFFFFF)