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Can analog and digital video outputs on DM6446 display different images?

No.  There is only one hardware block (video source) that merges all content (two video windows and two OSD windows) and supplies it to both analog and video outputs.  For more information, please refer to the VPBE UG





  • In addition to both analog and digital needing to be the same image, they also have to be the same format, which limits what you can output on the digital end to what you get on the analog end, essentially standard TV resolutions (i.e. NTSC/PAL/EDTV). In otherwords you cannot output NTSC on the analog and VGA on the digital even if they have the same source, because of this very few applications will actually be able to use the analog and digital simultaneously.

  • Good point.  Again, this is because there is only one video timing generator hardware block serving both analog and digital video outputs.