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DSP Core slow down?


I'm copying code from an ugly but working project to a new project to improve its structure and maintainability.

I've the McASP running and an interrupt is generated when a buffer is filled. The buffers are 128 frames long and audio comes in at 44.1kHz. The interrupt should get called at a rate of 344Hz and it does.

I measure the cycle time between interrupts (using _itoll(TSCH,TSCL) and the working project has 870k cycles between them, while the new project only has 70k. The expected value is 870k.

I've verified that PLL0.SSYSCLK1 runs at 300MHz for both projects (using the CLKOUT pin). Both projects use the same GEL file to setup the core.

What could be the reason that the core for the new project seems to be 12 times slower?


Kind regards,

Remco Poelstra