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Dear Biser and others,

I most recently came across the controller AM1808 which has SATA 2.0 Interface. I have system design query here which I want to post so that with all the experience here if I can get a wayout:-

I have attached my block diagram with this post. To explain further on it, I want to connect my FPGA between a PC SATA2.0 interface and a HDD SATA 2.0 Interface. Whether I can use the SATA2.0 controller on AM1808 between the PC and FPGA and FPGA and HDD Both. I with my understanding am sure that it can be connected between the FPGA and the HDD as a Host Controller but whether this can also cat as a device controller between PC and FPGA? If not, is there some other wayout of doing this [NO INTERNAL SATA IP CORES PLEASE]? -- PLEASE HELP...

Part 2 of my query as I have not gone in much details of this IC, What will be the interface between this controller and FPGA that can give a sustained rate of 3Gbps? Will the controller require buffering for doing this? Any reference schema for using this controller

Part 3, is this controller or a few more good for SATA interface as I do not see much questions here on this?

Thanks please.. Kindly reply urgently.4682.Query.docx