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very large page(8KB) NAND on gpmc of omap3530/DM3730

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DM3730


we have interfaced a very large page nand(8KB) with 4 CS's to DM3730... the nand we use has 3.3V logic for data lines but dm3730 has1.8v gpmc lines.. so we put a 1.8V to 3.3V level shifter between them.. the direction control of the level shifter is controlled by GPMC_nRD signal, and output enable of the level shifter is connected to output of 4 i/p AND gate(whose inputs are GPMC_nCS1, GPMC_nCS2, GPMC_nCS3, GPMC_nCS4)...

but the problem is im not able to read the Device ID and manufacture ID of the nand... its reading as

manufac ID=0x0         ; device ID=0x0

one more observation,if i permanantly ground  the nOE of level shifter,other devices shared on the gpmc wont work(the other devices connected to GPMC are POP NAND and lan9221 ethenet controller) even though the other 2 GPMC devices are on different chipselects(POP nand on GPMC_nCS0,lan9221 on GPMC_nCS5) why should the data on GPMC data line corrupt wen i  permanantly ground  the nOE of level shifter......looks wierd... pls help me..

so what might be the problem... by the way we r using Wince 6.0 as OS.

one more doubt what does the "time para granularity" field in one of the GPMC registers indicate???by tuning it will it help to solve my problem??