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NDK 1.94 Route Control API Hook


I'm trying to use RTC hook to detect duplicate IP address (MSG_RTC_DUPIP).

I've added callback:

extern "C" void RTCReportCallback( uint Msg, UINT32 dwParam1, UINT32 dwParam2 ) {
 printf("RTCReportCallback %u %u %u\n", Msg, dwParam1, dwParam2);

and I'm adding it  inside main NDK thread (tskNdkStackInitFxn, before NC_NetStart()) with:

if ( RTCAddHook( RTCReportCallback ) == 0 ) {
  printf("Error: could not add NDK RTC hook\n");
} else {
  printf("NDK RTC hook added\n");

Unfortunately callback is not called. I'm sure that event is detected - it is visible in log when _ipcfg.RtcEnableDebug is set.

I'm using NDK 1.94 with C64+ target. System configuration in general is similar to DM6437 NDK examples.

Am I missing something? I would appreciate any suggestions.