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adaptive filter with IIR


i new in the DSP world, i have an assignment  to find  a code of adaptive filter with IIR for DSP C64x ..

i told that is lots of codes like this on the web but i didnt findwhere i can find this code ?



  • There is an optimized adaptive filter function in the C64x+ DSPLIB with the name DSP_firlms2, you can download it from here:


  • hi rahul

    i saw the DSP_firlms2 C file, but im looking a IIR adaptive filter ( this folder contain a FIR filter)

    thia is what i need to design (adaptive IIR filter)

    thanks for the help

  • There is no TI provided C64x+ DSP library that I am aware of that provides optimized C code for this functionality but you could refer to any natural C code for Adaptive IIR filter and cross compile it for the C6000 DSP. Please refer to natural C codes that are published in resources like ebooks for other TMS320 processors. One such resource that I know of is Digital Signal processing Laboratory experiments using C and TMS320 Cx processors.



  • thanks for thr help rahul

    Finally I decided to implement adaptive filter with FIR (LMS) ,I built my code based on a adaptive filter lms code from c64xx Library.

    i attached my code...

    I put a music signl at the entrance X and add to X sine signal (noise-frequency 1Khz), D is the desired signal (the music without the noise),E-is the error, Y is the out put.

    What I expected to get is a 1Khz on E(after a time) and the music on Y.

    but im having a problem...what i get is a random nois(not what i added) on Y and a music with a noise(1Khz) on E...

    how can i fix it???
