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TMS320C6748: Unable to write to mcbsp0fifo

Part Number: TMS320C6748


I am using tms320c6748 lcdk kit. I am trying to do a loopback test of mcbsp0. When I try to write to the mcbsp0 control registers , I am able to do it successfully. When I try to write to mcbsp0 fifo registers no value is written.Suppose if I want to write to MCBSP_FIFO_WFIFOCTL  register  I give

HWREG( 0x01d11810) =0x00000200;

then the value is not written to register. I run this statement ,breakpoint at next statement and go to register view in CCS and see register is not updated. Why does this happen? Also there is no mcbsp1 fifo registers seen in register view. Please help me to solve this.

what should I do specially to set these registers?

Thanks in advance

With Regards
