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Question about importing 10sec wav signal data into CE0 (updated)



    I want to use memcpy function to load the voice signal (wav file) into my external SDRAM of C6713 dsk.

    The McBSP reading in is inside the ISR.


     Is my this code correct?

interrupt void serialPortRcvISR()
Uint32 temp;

short *point;
point = (short *) 0x80000000;

                       short sample[1]={0};

temp = MCBSP_read(DSK6713_AIC23_DATAHANDLE);



I want to import the frame of data from mp3 to the CE0.
Since I was baffled by the type inconsistency, here I defined a pointer type variable which is okey for the memcpy input.
But how could I view whether I have successfully imported the frame or not?

I need the memory browser?
I checked the browser and nothing was in there!

I checked temp in expression but nothing was in there!

Another issue is that my data is float point, what data type should I use?

Could you please give me some suggestions about how to check whether the samples have been imported into CE0 or not?

Thanks a lot
