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C6748# :Use of .cmd File in a Code Composer Studio Project

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6748

Can anyone tell that what is the use of .cmd file in code composer project ? Is it different for each processor ? Where I can find it  ?
For now I am using TMS320C6748 but I want some other processor of greater memory. Could the same .cmd file work properly for any other processor ?


  • Muhammad,

    This forum is for device-specific questions on the DSP cores and peripherals. For software questions, we have the Code Composer Studio forum and the TI C/C++ Compiler forum. To help us help you most quickly, please find the forum related to your question.

    If your actual question is about which processor to use, this Single Core DSP forum is the right place.

    If your actual question is about what a .cmd file is and how to use it in CCS, then the Code Composer forum is the right place.

    It is not obvious to me which is your real need here.

    Normally, the .cmd file is generated by SYS/BIOS or TI-RTOS for the DSP core. This will be based on the inputs you told to CCS at the beginning of the project. But that will lead down a path in which you need to look at the training material for CCS and for SYS/BIOS. In that case, please go to, login, and start searching.
