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6748 error during debug

Dear sir,

I am using lcdkc6748 and ccs6.1.1,when i try to debug it was showing error

1)target held on reset,removoe target from reset

2)ftdi drivers is not instaled ,update driver

3)psrc ........cant write to router register


is the problem with kit.....?as i got already output and not getting output for the second time..............

bcz i tried by updating the drivers also but still same error.......

i unstalled and installed ccs once again......result was same.............

how to i followed old e2e conversations regarding same issues...but no result

thank you........

  • Hi Mohammad,

    May not be the problem with the kit.

    Sometimes this error will be shown if there is a loose connection in the power cord, disconnection of any power/Jtag/usb cable during debugging.

    Disconnect all the cables and reconnect it. This may work out if it already worked for you once.

    You can even re-start the PC and re-launch the CCS and try.

  •  Hi Titus,

    I tried for several times what the procedure you told,but stil am getting the same problem..........

    I updated the drivcers nears 20 times but result is same......i restarted ccs........i disconnected n connected kit again..............i hold the reset button n released after power on of the power cable as i saw this in one e2e conversation...............

    but result is same..............

    first i connected the kit to the usb and powered up and did program then i reversed the procedure by powering up first then connecting to usb....

    but same result.

    how to over come with this......

    thank you 

  • Mohammad,

    From the Updates Available box in the lower right of your screen shot, there are updates that you should apply. Be sure you turn off the anti-virus when it tells you to.

    What version of Windows are you running?

    Do you have access to a different cable, or are you using the one that came with the LCDK?

    Do you have access to a second LCDK board to see if your board is faulty?

    Do you have access to another computer so that you can start over with the full installation process?

    Those would be good things to try to help you figure out if the problem is in your installation or not.

  • Hi RandyP,
    Problem is solved.

    I did the following things,
    1)removed all the connection.
    2)restart of CCS
    3)before connecting the power cable,keep the reset button down and turned ON the power supply ,after 5-8 secs i released the reset button.
    4)opened the CCS ,loaded ,debug n run the code.

    thank you.
  • Hi Mohammad,
    It seems to me, 3rd step may not be required.
    Have you tried without 3rd step ?
  • Hi Shankari,
    Might be not required but As per my RnD,i got the output for this procedure ONLY.
    thanks for your continuous support for me and i appreciate it.