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Memory allocation in Simulator


I'm trying to use C6747 cycle accurate simulator, and I have a question about simulator in CCSv5.

I created a typical sys/bios project and built the project successfully. When I see the memory map, all the program seem to be located in the section starts from 0xC0000000, SDRAM section. I wonder if this memory allocation would affect the performance or not. I saw other post in E2E which says that the cycle accurate simulator doesn't emulate cache, so I imagine that the memory allocation will not affect the performance.

Or if the memory allocation affects the performance, how can I change the memory allocation?

I tried to change it at .cfg file, but when I change it, I couldn't start the debugger correctly and I couldn't entry to main() function.

Thank you in advance.


  • Hi Shintaro,

    Please post your complete *.cfg file and as well as mention the following

    1. Name of the TI released package and its version.
    2. Any example of sys/bios project.

    Else upload your project, we will try to look into it.
  • Hi Shankari,

    Thank you for your prompt reply.
    I found the problem myself just now. I was trying to use ROMBIOS in the project(in .cfg file), but I located .text section in the same memory area. I separated the section for ROMBIOS, and I could build the project successfully!

    By the way, could you tell me if the memory allocation affects the simulator performance?

    Thank you and best regards,
  • Our CCS simulator support is de-focused. We recommend you to use the LCDK or EVM boards for early development or performance validation.

    Thank you.
  • Hello Raja,

    Thank you for the information and advice.

    We have EVM too, but we would like to create the way to evaluate the algorithm. So I wanted to know if the memory allocation would affect the performance or not.

    Thank you and best regards,


  • Shintaro,

    We do not know the answer to your question since we are not using the simulators now.

    If "performance" means how long it takes to execute each DSP instruction in terms of PC time, I would not expect a big difference based on memory allocation unless cache comes into play.

    If "performance" means how accurate the simulator is, then yes, different memory allocation will have different levels of accuracy. We do not have a numerical estimate to offer, but external memory going through internal cache would be less accurate than executing directly out of L1P and L1D memories.

    If "performance" means how many DSP instruction cycles it takes to execute an algorithm, then yes, different memory allocation will make a big difference. Using cache improves performance, using EDMA to copy data to internal memories is faster than using the DSP to directly access blocks of external memory, and so on.
