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Starterware/TMS320C6748: How do I prioritize each interrupt with multiple interrupt sources in C6748(INT4 through INT15)?

Part Number: TMS320C6748

Tool/software: Starterware

I am currently trying to use multiple interrupts(int4 through int15). With all these interrupts registered correctly, how do I control each of interrupts' priority? Does the priority of interrupt goes by INT# such as INT4, INT5, INT6, ... , INT15? or do I need to write specific code to register the priority of each interrupt?

For the second issue, in starterware SPI driver, which is SPI.C, it seems to me that SPI tx and rx interrupt are mapped to INT1. and on the datasheet too. does this INT1 mean INTERRUPT #1? Isn't there any way I can map this to other location like INT8 or somewhere between INT4 and INT15?

  • The lower interrupt numbers are the highest priority, eg Non Maskable Interrupt(NMI)=0=INT0 or highest, Exception=1=INT1, through INT15 is lowest. Each priority can be assigned an event, eg SPI0=37, MMCSD1=53, etc. Execept INT0-INT3 which are are reserved.

    The documentation for SPIInterruptVectorGet() references INT1. That is signal SPINT1 on the SPI module. It is not the same as INT1 in the interrupt controller. StarterWare uses IntEventMap() to connect event to interrupt. The SPI example calls it so:

    IntEventMap(C674X_MASK_INT4, SYS_INT_SPI1_INT);

    That places the SPI peripheral at the highest user configurable priority. You could replace C674X_MASK_INT4 with C674X_MASK_INT4 though C674X_MASK_INT15. Assign it with the lowest priority like so:

    IntEventMap(C674X_MASK_INT15, SYS_INT_SPI1_INT);

    TMS320C6748 DSP Technical Reference Manual
    Table 2-1. DSP Interrupt Map

    TMS320C674x DSP Megamodule Reference Guide
    Interrupt Controller
  • Thank you, Norman. All the issues are made clear.