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External 3G Modem support to android 4.2.2 with am335x Starter Kit

Hi Everybody,

I am working on External 3G modem support to an Android JB 4.2.2 .

with am335x starter kit. I am using third party 3G modem, I have

replaced the 'reference-ril' directory in the /hardware/ril directory

of android BSP  by Vendor RIL . I Also made the changes other

changes suggested by Vendor . After building the android,

Vendor library  "" is also getting generated in android

file system directory /system/lib.

but I am getting the Error Message

in LOGCAT as " rild socket could not fInd :retrying after time out .

What could be the reason ? Is it required to make any changes

in rild.c file which present in /hardware/ril directory of android 

source code?

Thanks and regards

Vinod Kshirsagar