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Patch to solve "Device Identification and 3D graphics demo run" issue with DVSDK- on recently received DM3730 EVM/parts

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DM3730

This post provide workaround patch for the issue mentioned in the subject.

Issue Overview:
  With some of the newly received DM3730 EVM/parts could not run 3D demos and also it shows wrong device id. Refer section "Issue Detail" for more info on this issue.

How to apply the patch:

   Patch :

   Refer to section "Patch package Content" section below to get more info on package contents. This patch needs to be applied over DVSDK

   Step1: Replace the file <your-nfs-target-filesystem>/usr/bin/cputype with the file usr_bin_cputype in the patch. Ensure to check file permission is having 755 (you can change the file permission by command 'chmod 755 cputype'), otherwise 3D demos might not comeup due to file permission.

   Step2: Follow Any of the below steps to apply u-boot patch
             Copy the file psp_uboot_cpu_arm_cortexa8_omap3_sys_info.c and replace in <your-dvsdk-install-root>/dvsdk_dm3730-evm_4_02_00_06/psp/u-boot-2009.11-psp03.00.01.06.sdk/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3
             apply the patch dvsdk_dm3730-evm_4_02_00_06_u-boot_dev_idenfication.patch to u-boot as below
               cd <your-dvsdk-install-root>/psp/u-boot-2009.11-psp03.00.01.06.sdk
               patch -p1 dvsdk_dm3730-evm_4_02_00_06_u-boot_dev_idenfication.patch

   Step3: Rebuild u-boot and trasfer this to SD card or your boot media as described in the user guide.

   Step4: Boot & you must see 3D Gfx demos running.

   Note: the steps might very depending where your filesystem is stored (NFS, SD-card, etc...) & boot mode (NAND, SD card, etc...)

Patch package Content:
      1. README.TXT - Has the same information as this post.
      2. usr_bin_cputype - file system patch, to be coyied to usr/bin/cputype in the target file system, Solves 3D demo not running issue
      3. psp_uboot_cpu_arm_cortexa8_omap3_sys_info.c - u-boot patch to be copied to ,<your-dvsdk-install-root>/dvsdk_dm3730-evm_4_02_00_06/psp/u-boot-2009.11-psp03.00.01.06.sdk/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3, solves wrong device identification issue
      4. dvsdk_dm3730-evm_4_02_00_06_u-boot_device_idenfication.patch - Same as item3 but in Linux patch form
      5. u-boot.bin - Rebuilt u-boot with the above patch.
      6. BootingTraceWithNoIssues.txt - Booting trace with No issues
      7. BootingTraceWithEVMOfThisCategory.txt - Booting trace with issues
      8. ErrorTraceFromCommandLineExecution.txt - Error trace when running 3D gfx demos from command line with these setof EVMs
      9. BootingTraceAfterApplyingAllThePatchWithEVMOfThisCategory.txt - Booting Trace after applying the patch

Issue Detail:
  With the recently produced one lot of DM3730 parts, the eFuse setting used is different from previously used settings, but this new setting is done as per device capability and as per data in device data sheet. Updated eFuse values related to device identification are not handled in the current software stack. This prevents SGX drivers to be loaded. This problem would be experienced on EVMs populated with newer silicon.s.

  All of the following observations are true with these setoff EVMs/parts
     - 3D graphics demos do not run when invoked from Out-Of-Box demos, the menu screen remain same.
     - 3D graphics demos do not run when invoked from command line, and it shows below error message.
          .PVRShell: Unable to initialise EGL.
     - During U-boot booting it shows the device type as below
          .OMAP3630-GP ES2.1, CPU-OPP2 L3-165MHz.
     - During Linux Boot, trace shows as below
          .No SGX hardware, not starting PVR.

Refer to FAQ section at link to know more