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Setting mmc0 on customer's board to get Wireless Connectivity working


I am currently working on customer's AM335x board. On this board, SD card slot is connected to mmc0 and emmc is connected to mmc1. Recently customer is thinking to test the performance of a TI's WLink8 wifi module. Since the WLink8 is a device uses SDIO for communication. They are think to boot up the system over emmc (mmc1) and use SD card (mmc0) for wifi module. To do so, they have manage to get a SD card converter for the WLink8 module as picture below:

The software is based on SDK 07.00.00.

We have made some changes to the device trees to try to enable wifi on mmc0. But, the problem is that the wifi device is not been recognized through the SD card slot.

Is there some configuration in Linux that I am missing in order to accomplished this task?
 If any one as any previous experience on enabling WLink8 on mmc0, please kindly share it with me.

Appreciate any help you could provide. Thanks in advance.

From Joseph Lee.