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Unable to run standalone application using Uboot in Beaglebone black

Hi all,

I've been trying to run standalone application using Uboot in Beaglebone black but unable to do so. I'm using y-modem 'loady' to load the binary and 'go' to run it.

According to the discussion here, I used load address same as that of env variable 'load_addr' (0x82000000).  I don't know what is going wrong here.

When I see the _start address of the binary using objdump, it is showing the same address. So, every time I'm able to load the binary but unable to run it.
Even I tried with standalone example from uboot sources too.

Here are the commands I used:

loady 0x82000000

go 0x82000000

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

