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Linux: how to test two serial port

Tool/software: Linux


i work with am5728-evm and i connect to this board a PCIe converter. this converter give us two serial port .

now i want to test these two serial port and for this i only know minicom application that this application is not suitable for this target.

are there any application such as minicom to test serial ports?

please help me.

  • Hi,

    Please explore the tty UART application, which you would find plenty online. You can do a loopback and check if you are receiving the same what you send in another port.
  • Hi,

    You may use the attached serialcheck binary to test any uart instance or clone teh source form git://


    Refer to teh Readme.txt file for usage.

    For example to test UART10 (which is at /dev/ttyS9) you need to run teh following on the target,

    1. create a reference file, dd if=/dev/urandom of=binary count=1 bs=4096

     2. At the prompt start the receiving side first, serialcheck -d /dev/ttyS9 -b 115200 -f binary -m r -l 10

    3. connect to the target using telnet and run the transmitting side, serialcheck -d /dev/ttyS9 -b 115200 -f binary -m t -l 10

