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I tried to get codecs from but it looks like the link is broken. Is there another way to get them ?
I tried to follow instructions from and I stucked on HDVICP2 codecs.
Any help appreciated.
I am also looking for an alternate / fixed download link for the HDVICP2 package. There seems to be no way currently to download the package from:
I saw another post in a different forum with the same request dated 4/14/2012. The link may have been changed inadvertently in the last few days.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
HDVICP2 codecs will not be made abailable as a component on TI we download. It will only be part of SDK releases.
I'm confused by your response.
Was there a reason for removing it as a component? It almost seems like the link being referred to is just broken by chance or perhaps an error?
These are sites which have referred to this download component for months if not years.
The EZSDK release mentioned here says that it contains the HDVICP2 package:
But it is only installable on an Ubuntu 10.04 machine? Does this mean I need to download that release (1.5Gb) and build an Ubuntu box to extract it?
Not that I personally am going to turn around and order thousands of SoC's, but this doesn't seem like a process you would want to make a potential customer go through to get a piece of development software.
I sincere take this feedback. Since M3 is exposed as a binary and not something you can compile, releasing HDVICP2 library did not makes sense. Hence it was removed.
Hello again Yashwant,
In several cases the recommendation of TI employees on this forum has been to recompile the ducati-m3.bin file to fix the following issues:
- On some boards the gptimer 11 is assigned to PWM. On the stock ducati-m3.bin which is made available it uses gptimer 11 as the M3 watchdog:
- Also for boards with 512M of RAM which are updating to ICS, these need to have a custom memory layout set in the sysbios-rpmsg project and then must be recompiled. (see: "Keep in mind that the memory ranges are also hardcoded for 1GB DDR in the Ducati binary, so you will need to modify and rebuild that once you want to start using Ducati.")
So I must disagree with you: the provided binary does not always work and in several cases it must be compiled.
This is complicated by the fact that the DucatiMM source package is under license agreement only and in general not available for community-based developers who are supporting existing TI-based boards rather than developing new ones. The other option for making a ducati-m3.bin without the DucatiMM package, is to use the libdce project by Rob Clark found here:
However, for this approach to work, the HDVICP2 package is required (see line #30 in the README).
Please reconsider making the HDVICP2 package available again as a source package download. It is a huge benefit to the TI developer community.
Hi Miachael,
I understand your point. Unfortunately, this is something which I cannot solve immediately as it has multiple other impleications.
In the meatime, if you want the codec package , I suggest you approach through you local TI field.
unfortunately TI has not come back on this issue in this forum. Does TI's community support stop at video codecs?
Hi Chris,
Rest be assured, this is being actively worked out internally. I suggest you ask for updates using the open community forums like pandaboard or launcpad..
We search the source code of the HDVICP2 library.
Is that TI provides the source code anew?
Or, could somebody provide us the source code?
The HDVICP2 ducati build blob files can be found in the OMAP5 GLSDK. However, that build is only supported for the OMAP5/DRA processors.
I don't think TI has ever made source for the HDVICP2 ducati blobs available.