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Starterware vs Embedded Linux

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358

i am in the process of choosing a Bare metal, RTOS and OS and not sure which is well supported and have good training material available.

How is stater ware driver support, specially in Ethernet?

How is Debug support (J LInk)?

  • Funny my opinion the task that has to be solved should have an influence on the environment to be used and not the material that is available.

    What would it help when you decide to use a RTOS because it has the most and colourful documents available when you can't do your jobs fast enough with it due to resource consumption of the OS comparing to bare metal code?

  • Good day Hans,  I agree with you. I am developing a product which was built 15v years back using 8bit microcontroller. We choose TI AM3358(Cortex A8) huge resources. I like to use bare metal but little bit of worry about some application software driver may take more time to develop but compare with using RTOS. On the other hand RTOS required big learning curve to understand their environment and API.

    My question is compare the p[ros and cons of

    embedded Linux vs RTOS(nucleus) vs Bare metal

  • So...what drivers are you looking for exactly? Ethernet and TCP/IP is fully supported via lwIP. For everything else you can have a look into the examples-folder of StarterWare to check out if your devices are supported.