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PRU-code not running

Genius 5820 points


I'm doing some first experiments wiht PRU0 and TI's PRU-C-compiler but without success. PRU-initialisation seems to be OK but the code is not running. My example code does nothing more than blink with an LED that is connected to a GPO:

int main()
   for (;;)

Pin-mux and configuration of output LED_STOP_BIT was done in main-application before PRU-code was started. GPIO-addrsses accessed within this code are the normal ones of main address space.

Next PRU is enabled, powered and clocks are turned on so that PRU_CTRL-register shows 0x0001. Then data and text generated with PRU-C-compiler are loaded into appropriate memory areas:


Finally PRU_CTRL-register is set to 0x00000002 and afterwards show 0x00008003 - means PRU should be enabled and running. Nevertheless my LED is not blinking.

Any ideas what could be missing?