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To improve ThroughPut of Sitara AM3358 starter kit Based SOFT ETHERNET SWITCH; StarterWare

Hi EveryOne,

I am currently working on Sitara AM3358 Starter kit . i was able to implement SOFT BRIDGE successfully (AM3358 Processor is routing ethernet packets from one external port to another) .

But the problem is huge drop of performance. I can only get 10Mbps transfer rate on RGMII configuration of CPSW Switch  which is kind of embarrassing.

I am using enet_lwip example from starterWare.

Modifications Made :

  1. CPSW is configured in Dual Mac Mode
  2. ALE has been disabled so every packet is routed from external ports to host port (AM3358 Processor).
  3. Packet is forwarded from host to external port using CPSWIF_OUTPUT function in receive interrupt handler (ETHERNET_INPUT FUNCTION).
  4. pbuf has been freed without any further processing.
  5. HTTP server contents has been removed from this example.

So my question is how can i improve  throughput of this SOFT BRIDGE?

Is there any thing related to number of TX or RX buffer descriptors (which depends on the size of CPPI_RAM)?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
