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DCAN on ICE V2 AM3359

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3359, SYSBIOSSDK-IND-SITARA, SYSBIOS

Hello guys !

I'm currently building a project of my own with my board : ICE v2 AM3359.

It's running with SYS/BIOS SDK (SYSBIOSSDK-IND-SITARA) using StarterWare example based UART communication.

Now, I need to add DCAN functionality to my project.

For that, I'm trying to use the dcanTxRx example from AM335X_StarterWare_02_00_01_01.

I can build it correctly but I won't work on my board.  Do you have an idea why ?

What's the best way to incorporate DCAN to my project ? Maybe using only SYS/BIOS StarterWare example files ?

Do I have to be careful with the compiler I use ?


Nicola De Lellis