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importing project from examples in XDAIS????? CCSV5.1

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO

we are using CCS version: : and XDM genalg wizard 7.21 to create a project which is to be xDAIS complaint. It successfully creats the project. But when we tried to import this project to CCS it shows the error "compiler definition not available" How to fix this issue. Please help!

  • I've been able to create a project with the XDM genAlg wizard and import it successfully into CCStudio using version  Though you are using a slightly new version of CCS, I don't expect this to fail.

    When importing the project (File->Import), make sure you select "Existing CCS/CCE Eclipse Project" option under the Code Composer Studio folder to import this project properly.

  • Yeah Arnie,

       we too can create it in CCS4.2, But what about this version?????????  Please let me know soon........

              thanks for your efforts

  • It looks like there is an issue with the latest CCS v5.1.1.00028.  It seems there have been some project setting changes that were to taken into account in the GenAlg wizard.

    You'll have to use CCS v5.1.0.09000, until an update can be provided.

  • Arnie,

                As you suggested, we have downloaded CCS V5.1.0.09000, and tried to import it into our CCS. But the thing is, the genalg created files are  imported but it could not be opened up i.e. it's being invisible. no sort of being imported.

    Any one help me???/.

  • There seems to be an issue with both CCS v5.1 and CCSv5.1.1 when importing the project generated by the GenAlg wizard.  We are looking further into the issue and will get back to you as soon as we have more information.

  • Thanks Arnie for your efforts,

    But let me know about the updates of that issue frequently.

    Thanks once again.

  • The latest CCS v5.1 and v5.1.1 have slightly changed when importing projects (to make better distinction between project types).  Since the project created by the GenAlg wizard is a Standard Makefile project (not CCS project), it must be imported as such.

    When importing the GenAlg generated project, go to File->Import and select Existing Project into Workspace (under the General folder).

    Browse to the root directory where the GenAlg project was created, select the project and complete the import (Finish).

    After importing, you will be able to build this project within CCS.  This works with both CCS v5.1 and CCS 5.1.1

    Note: CCS v5.0 or older viewed both CCS projects and Standard makefile projects as the same thus no importing issues.

  • Arnie, just one more issue in this method....

    when building the  imported project,  gmake error is in the following picture. ((rounded))


  • The "gmake" command that its trying to execute is part of the XDCTools that are provided and install as part of CCS.  The way it's picked is via a windows Environment Variable that should have been set/defined when CCS was installed.

    You should have the following variable set (XDCROOT=C:\ti\xdctools_3_23_01_43)

  • A couple of additional notes.

    The latest versions of CCS are on longer setting the XDCROOT environment variable as part of the installation since it not required by the development tool.  The only exception being the GenAlg wizard project relies on this setting.  Therefore, you have to set this variable as previously indicated.

    Once set, make sure you re-start CCS for the changes to take affect.

  • the above errors occured...I tried to resolve it in the best possible ways by including all packages.

    But I can't get it???

  • Your build seems to be successful as I can see from your CDT Build Console window.  The errors you see in the Problem tab are due to CCS trying to parse your source files to create an nice Outline view.

    You need to tell the project where to search for include paths given this project builds externally (with a Makefile).  Go to the project Properties options by selecting the project in the Project Explorer -> Right-Click and choose Properties.  In the "C/C++ Include Path and Symbols" section "Add External Include Path" to point to the directory where XDAIS, XDCTools, and TI C6000 code generation tools are installed (as seen below).

    Note:  For XDAIS and XDCTools include all the way up to the "package" directory.

    The vast majority of your errors in the Problem tab will be resolved.  There will be a few errors remaining due to casting that confuses the C file parser.

  • Hi,

              I have applied to CCS whatever u said. But still the same errors continue as in the last posted screenshot...

              Thanks for Help.

  • Rick-click on the project source file (fir.c) and select Index->Refreshen All Files.  Most of the error will be eliminated but there are a few macros that the indexing tools will be confused about.  The error are only in the CDT indexing feature of the IDE.  This feature is part of the standard Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) indexing feature.  You may be able to find some information regrading the CDT parser and macro limitation on the indexer on the Eclipse forums. ( )