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Ethernet problem on new concerto F28M35 control card

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSCNCDH52C1

Hi everyone,

I had a TIRTOS project which was working ok on my old F28M35 concerto control card (TMDXCNCDH52C1). I purchased a new control card recently which is TMDSCNCDH52C1. I loaded the same code to the new concerto control card and found out that everything worked fine apart from the ethernet. The yellow LED is illuminated, while the green LED remains dark. I think my problem is exactly same as post below. But I could not find a solution to TIRTOS. I also compared the pin configuration offered in this post to TIRTOS, but unfortunately, I could not spot what changes shold I make in my TIRTOS project. Could anyone help with this ?

Many thanks in advance,


  • Hi Everyone,

    Could TI help solve this problem ?

    The company have already purchased 3 of TMDXCNCDH52C1 which are all working fine, and we need to purchase 10 more. But the TMDXCNCDH52C1 is now discontinued and instead the production version available is called TMDSCNCDH52C1. So this new product has stopped our process. Could anyone help? This is urgent.

    Many Thanks,


  • I'm checking to see if there where any changes in the silicon.


  • Hi Todd,

    Thanks for this, I am looking forward to hearing from you.


  • There was a change. It is discussed in

    We are in the process of looking at the change and incorporating a fix into the next TI-RTOS release. Once we have a solution, we'll post it on the support wiki site also.


  • Hi Todd,

    Thanks for your reply. I went through the post you provided and I think that was the question of my post. This change solved the problem of lwip example by changing the pinout file. However, this cannot solve the problem for TIRTOS. I tried to copy the file content into TMDXDOCKH52C1, but this is not able to solve the problem.

    Can I also ask the time frame for the next TI-RTOS ? Or do you have any old version (TMDXDOCKH52C1) boards in stock which we can buy ? We had developed our code for that board which is not able to work in the new version. And, it is the time we are going to use them, so it is very urgent.

    Many Thanks,


  • We're evaluating the changes now. We should have something for you early next week that will work with the old and new boards.


  • Hi Todd,

    Thanks very much for this. I am looking forward to hearing from you next week.



  • Hi Todd,

    Can I just ask is there any new update for this problem ?



  • I'm having a hard time getting my hands on a setup with a TMS device. Can you try the attached file? It's not the final fix, but I just want to test it. It should work on both TMX and TMS boards. Simply add the file into your project (functions in files in your project have precedence over functions in a library).


    Note: the EMAC address is

    unsigned char macAddress[6] = {0xa8, 0x63, 0xf2, 0x00, 0x01, 0xd};


  • Hi Todd,

    Thanks for you time and reply. I tried the attached file into my project. However, this cannot build sucessfully. The errors is shown in the Figure below. Can you please advise how to change the code. By the way, you mentioned the "unsigned char macAddress" in your reply. Do you mean that the mac address in my "TMDXDOCKH52C1.c" should be changed to match the microcontroller which I am using or something else ?



  • Hi Bin,

    I thought you were on the latest TI-RTOS. Try this file (based off of


    Also disregard the MAC comment. I copied and pasted it from an email that I sent a co-worker asking them to test out a .out that I sent them.


  • Hi Todd,

    This file attached can be built sucessfully to my project, but this does not solve the problem to the ethernet port. The yellow LED is still on and green LED is still off after loading programs. But in the meanwhile, this is working to my old concerto card (TMDXCNCDH52C1 which was anyway working before). Could you please have a look at this again.

    Many Thanks,


  • Bin,

    I have a new board that appears to be displaying your issue. Can you confirm the DID0 and DID1 values both the boards that are working and not working. You can add this code to the end of TMDXDOCKH52C1_initGeneral() and the values will be displayed on the CCS console.

        did0 = HWREG(SYSCTL_DID0);
        System_printf("did0 = 0x%x\n", did0);
        did1 = HWREG(SYSCTL_DID1);
        System_printf("did1 = 0x%x\n", did1);


  • Hi Todd,

    I tried your code for the DID0 and DID1. In my code, I defined "int dido, did1". And the values for both of my cards are below.

    Old Card: did0 = 0x20400000

                    did1 = 0x1154804c

    New Card: did0 = 0x20400001

                      did1 = 0x1154804c

    The screenshots of these two tests are attached.



  • Hi Todd,

    Is there any update about my problem which I can try to solve it?



  • Hi Todd,

    Sorry to reply you again. Is there any solution to the new control board. My company is now waitting to deply the devices. It is a bit urgent.

    Kind Regards,
