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__lock, __cleanup_ptr and __dtors_ptr are generated in .bss section for TMS320F28335 processor

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28335


Can anybody tell me how __lock, __cleanup_ptr and __dtors_ptr are being generated in .bss section though I have not defined these global variable in code.

TMS320F28335, CCS v5.4 used.



  • These come from the C Run Time Support (RTS) library provided by the TI code generation tools.

  • Thanks for the reply Alan.

    In map file the global variable(_TL_HW_Uart1Data) start with the address 8008 instead of start address of the .bss.
    I am not able to find out the memory from 8000 to 8006 allocated for what?

    L0L1L2L3L4RAM(RW) : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x5000

     .data               : > L0L1L2L3L4RAM, PAGE = 1
     .cio                : > L0L1L2L3L4RAM, PAGE = 1
     .bss                : > L0L1L2L3L4RAM, PAGE = 1
     .ebss               : > L0L1L2L3L4RAM, PAGE = 1
    00008000   .bss
    00008000   .data
    00008000   _TL_HW_CanaData
    00008000   ___bss__
    00008000   ___data__
    00008000   ___edata__
    00008000   ___end__
    00008000   edata
    00008000   end
    00008008   _TL_HW_Uart1Data

    Can anyone please respond if you know the reason or come across the same issue.

    Thanks in advance



  • _TL_HW_CanaData is taking 8 word location, hence _TL_HW_Uart1Data is taking from 8008