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CCS6 automatically updated, now project can't find xdc.platform.execontext.create

I'm using the latest CCS v6.something with the latest SYS/BIOS and xdc toolsets

I've been getting code for a F28835 debugged, and after a recent prompted update cycle (I can't even remember what CCS said it needed to update a this point), my project will not build with 3 errors:

fatal error: cannot open source file C:\.......\app_p28FP.h

can't locate the package xdc.platform.ExeContext.create

xdc.PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND: can't locate xdc.platform.ExeContext.create on path <blah, blah>

The app_p28FP.h appears to not generate because of the xdc-related error. While I'm getting used to CCS, the environment is so d*mn complex that it is almost impossible to troubleshoot. unless you're an expert with it. I have gone through all my platforms and configurations, and everything looks like it should.

Any hints where the package CCS is looking for could be found or generated? I've searched the Wiki, this forum, and Google, and could not find any other similar issue. I'm about ready to pull what little hair I have left, out.

  • I really could use some help from TI on this. I'm not developing code as a hobby--I'm trying to get a commercial product up and working and this bug or problem has stalled my work for nearly a week. What the heck happened to this missing package and how do I either replace or regenerate the missing file.

    CCS may be powerful, but its extreme complexity is a problem when an issue develops.

  • David,
    can you post the complete content of the console output when building your project? The error message you are seeing is new to me. ExeContext.create() is a function, and there is no RTSC package with that name, so it doesn't matter much where is CCS looking for it.
    Can you also share your CFG script? 

  • The cfg script and console output are attached below as .TXT files. The only thing that looks suspicious is the 3rd line from the bottom of the cfg file, as it is the only thing that mentions the path that supposedly does not exist. I don't understand enough about the package to know if these lines can simply be deleted, or what value they should take.



  • The second and the third line from the bottom should be deleted.
    var cpu = xdc.module('xdc.platform.ExeContext.create.cpu');
    cpu.clockRate = 0.0;
    SYS/BIOS has the parameter cpuFreq, which you already set, that will take care of clock frequency. I wonder how you ended up with those two lines. If XGconf generated them, that could be a bug.

  • I deleted those lines as you suggested. There still must be a poison pill somewhere, though, as I still get 3 errors--two familiar and one new one (this is in the Problems tab after an attempted build):

    x fatal error 1965: cannot open source file "C:/ ...long pathname.../cfg/app_p28FP.h

    x Program.cpu.clockRate should not be modified. Set BIOS.cpuFreq to specify a new CPU Frequency

    x xdc.cfg.Programcpu.clockRate: Program.cpu.clockRate should not be modified. Set BIOS.cpuFreq to specify a new CPU frequency.

    This is bizarre, as the BIOS cpu clock rate IS set, and the variable is definitely in the config script! What generates the missing file app_p28FP.h? I looked at the file from another project, and it says it is runtime generated. It appears that some SYS/BIOS script mus think I set the CPU frequency (or didn't) outside the SYS/BIOS context, and then the app_p28FP.h file doesn't get generated! I've attached the new console output in TXT form below.

    Thanks for the help. As you can imagine, this is frustrating for someone who simply develops microprocessor code, rather than being an expert at CCS.

  • There are two more lines in your script that are causing the same problem. The lines are 175 and 176:
    var execontextInstance0 = xdc.lookup('xdc.platform.ExeContext.Instance#0');
    execontextInstance0.clockRate = 0;
    Remove them too, clean and rebuild.

  • Thanks. I never would've known what to look for. I'm puzzled how these extra lines got there. But, in any case, I'm getting clean compiles now.